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Happy Birthday BFD!


J.C. Newman owes me royalties.
Apr 12, 2006
Congrats on another year BFD, may your day be full of happiness and great cigars.

Pick out a nubber :D

35....That's kinda special...you can see the "hill" coming but you haven't gotten that close to the top yet.... :laugh:

HAPPY B-DAY & smoke one of your best in your Birthday Suit.... :0

Happy Birthday To You,Happy Birthday To You,Happy Birthday Dear BFD,Happy Birthday To You....Hope its a good one Bro
Thanks guys. I had my party last night...Dinner at McCormick and Schmick. They have the best oysters in Houston...Had dinner and retired to the bar for a few MC #4s and a dram or two of Louis. I over heard a guy behind me talking to his group commenting on my cigar and saying when he gets hone he is going to have his own. A member of his party asked him if our cigars were ISOMs. He said that he had never had one so he wouldn't know.

I turned around and offered his party a few of my sticks. Only the guys took one. Long story short, Turns out it was his birthday.

Question, good deed or evil act. I have never thought of myself as a crack dealer but...
good for you, good story! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and i hope you enjoyed it. :cool:
Happy birthday - hope you are having a good day.

Didn't you know - for every give you do on your birthday,
you get 10 back throughout the year :)
