Happy Birthday, AVB

Happy Birthday Ray! :thumbs:   We all want to know what special dram (or maybe I should say drams) you decide to celebrate with.
I'll start off with some of the 50 yo Glenlivet I bought for my 50th birthday and then I have a 1958 Glen Grant planned but after that is sorta open.
LarryH said:
Happy Birthday Ray! :thumbs:   We all want to know what special dram (or maybe I should say drams) you decide to celebrate with.
Happy Birthday Ray! Hope it's a great one Devil Dog!
I was curious about the Glenlivet so like a good noob I searched out your review.  I started to wonder if there's a "benchmark" age where you can start to taste a significant difference.  I know that 18 and 21 year olds are easy to find and pretty affordable and there are even some 25 and 30 year olds that are relatively affordable.  Is there a tipping point age or does if vary so much between distilleries that you can't define it?
AVB said:
I'll start off with some of the 50 yo Glenlivet I bought for my 50th birthday and then I have a 1958 Glen Grant planned but after that is sorta open.
Happy Birthday Ray! :thumbs:   We all want to know what special dram (or maybe I should say drams) you decide to celebrate with.
Larry - While producers have gotten pretty good you can't say with certainty how long a barrel can age before it is past it's prime. IMO once you hit 40 years with almost any scotch you start taking your chances which is why the barrels selected for extra aging are checked and tasted so regularly once they hit the 30 year mark.  Obviously they are checked before that but more attention is payed to them if going to be held for a long time.

I've not had 30 yo samples from every distillery but the majority of them and some have done better than others but the limited amount of samples of whisky that old from a fair number of distilleries prevents me from saying that any distillery can't or doesn't produce good old whisky.
Happy Birthday, JarHead!  I hope your day is a special one.  Semper Fi!
Floyd T.