Happy B-Day Hank (Devil Doc)

Happy B-day jar-head. :laugh: (just kidding)
Enjoy the day.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, fellas

Have I not a moist eye, a dry hand, a yellow cheek, a white beard, a decreasing leg, an increasing belly? Is not my voice broken, my wind short, my chin double, my wit single, and every part about me blasted with antiquity?

How the hell did I get here?

With apologies to the Great Bard.

Happy birthday, Doc. Hopefully the early bird special treated you right.
Walk softly, grasshopper.:rolleyes:

And smoke a big cigar on your birthday, too!

Many happy returns, Doc.

Hope you had a great day Doc and didn't hit that Laphroaig too hard!
Happy Birthday Doc! I always love that little space of time between seeing your avatar and reading what you have to say. A brief moment of anticipation. Kind of like stubbing your toe and waiting for the pain, but kind of not :)
Dang! A veritable 'who's who' of birthday well wishers here.

Congrats on another year Doc.

Happy belated B-Day Doc! Hope you had a great day!

Cant believe I missed this yesterday!