Happy B-Day Gonz, enjoy your 37th brother.......


" Herf King "
Oct 30, 2002
I hope you have a super day with top notch stogies and memorable times.......
Happy Birthday to the worst Baggo player in the upper Midwest who isn't a middle-aged Filipino man.
Thank you all for the kind words. Even you Ketch, next summer I'll crush you 1 on 1 in baggo.

As for where I've been, well, I'm still around smoking cigars, just not as active on the cigar boards. I fell into an absurd new hobby, triathlon. I've been training like crazy for the past year, been doing alot of races and have most of next summer's season already planned out. All in the quest for completing a full Ironman about a year from now.
In fact, SF brothers look out. I'll be out there in June, I was just selected to compete in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in June, good times!
Just have a great smoke ready at the finish line. Hope you had a great day.
Happy birthday my friend. Hope to see you on the tri track soon!!