Happy 43rd B-Day Jim (Swissy)

Happy Birthday, Jim...!! Dig out the good stuff "you've been saving" because this is what you've been saving them for....!!!...

....that, and don't fall off the boat....

All the best, my friend - B.B.S.
Happy Birthday Jimbo! Maybe your crew will let you sit on the right side of the truck "just for today" and ring the bell!
Happy bday Jim! Hope you find the time for a good smoke and maybe some time on the boat
Happy Birthday Swissy, smoke a nice one for all of us!!! :thumbs:
Happy birthday bro :cool: :thumbs:
Happy B-Day Jim. As always I hope you get a chance to treat yourself good today with one of your favorite cigars...2 or more if you really get to slack off.

Joe G