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Halloween Fans Unite!

Tall Paul

"insecure little bitch"
May 11, 2011
Well as most of you know I am a huge horror fan and Halloween nut! I drag my wife all around New England to all the little and large Haunted Attractions (walks, hayrides, houses, and corn mazes) and here in NH it has gotten better and better over the past few years. Over the Past 3 years a couple towns over from me there is a little place called Nightmare New England and Spooky World it is outstanding. Can't wait to go this year. So I ask you whats in you area of the country or world that you go to to get your Halloween Scare Fix?

Isn't that what a typical Fenway crowd looks like?

Oh wait...thats October...nevermind.
NOthing much around here except candy hunting for the little ones...And yes..nice rack around there :cool:
Queen Mary is supposed to have really good attraction.
The scariest part about Halloween coming up is finding a bag of candy corn from last year...
Paul, Spooky World looks awesome! I may have to check that out myself when I'm back east. When I'm in NY I head upstate to Headless Horseman for a hay ride and a trip through the haunted houses. I'm a pansy ass when it comes to any kind of haunted house, but I always go back to this place because it's such a good time.

That looks sweet! I may need to plan a night to NY next year! I love the 18+ idea.

Reading the experiences of people who attended (survived?) Blackout Haunted House just makes me scared shitless to try it. Water boarding, bondage, simulated sexual assault? Jesus, there's no way I'm paying 50 bucks to be mind fucked like a Guantánamo Bay prisoner when I could easily experience the same thing at some seedy BDSM club downtown (and at least I'd get laid at the end of the night!) Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Saw this on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson last night...Neil Patrick Harris (also a Halloween enthusiast) was the guest star and was discussing an "interactive horror play" he produced:

DELUSION: The Blood Rite

Looks cool!
I love Halloween. I get dressed up in my sluttiest outfit and hit up all the parties to get candy......wait.....um nevermind......