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Habanos packing question


New Member
Feb 25, 2004
Upon receiving the box of HdMs, along with the fascination of gawking at the box, the Cuban certificate of authenticity, the HABANOS sticker on the top corner, and the box code stamped on the bottom, there is this coupon looking thing inside. It is under the sheet cedar (with the finger notch in it) and has the HABANOS logo on it.

It is sort of transluscent, and is obviously some sort of instruction sheet or tips for storage because I can see the number ranges closely relate to temperature and RH. So here's my question(s):

Can anyone in the know post a pretty good translation of that coupon thing from Spanish to English?

How about a translation of the Cuban Certificate of authenticity too if possible?

Just out of curiousity and I think it would be pertinant trivia to know about cigars.


M. Gipson
Hmm weird I was looking at the boxes of habanos I have and I dont see any "coupon" type paper. The only thing I have is this paper that is sort of see thru with the Habanos logo on it it is about the size of a large business card. It says

"Estos habanos han sido elaborados con hojas del mejor tabaco del mundo. Para disfurtar de ello plenamente, conservalos en un humidor. Mantengalos alejados de productos que emitan fuertes olores y en adecuadas condiciones de temperatura (16c-18c )y de humedad (65%-70%)"

Than under that it is in english than french than what apperas to be german.. It this what you mean?
May'be the vendor placed it in there? Were the seals broken when you recieved it?
Save 25 of them and turn them in for a free t-shirt..... :sign:
Matt R said:
Save 25 of them and turn them in for a free t-shirt..... :sign:

HAhahahaaa! I just about spit coffee all over my laptop. Thanks Matt.

My box of RASS and HdM Epi #2s both had this "coupon" as well. Not sure what its for.
alexgtp said:
Hmm weird I was looking at the boxes of habanos I have and I dont see any "coupon" type paper. The only thing I have is this paper that is sort of see thru with the Habanos logo on it it is about the size of a large business card. It says

"Estos habanos han sido elaborados con hojas del mejor tabaco del mundo. Para disfurtar de ello plenamente, conservalos en un humidor. Mantengalos alejados de productos que emitan fuertes olores y en adecuadas condiciones de temperatura (16c-18c )y de humedad (65%-70%)"

Than under that it is in english than french than what apperas to be german.. It this what you mean?

Yeah Alex. That one. Someone else pointed out that it is written in 4 lanuguages. I just didn't look at it carefully enough. :whistling: The picture from MattR shows it in the box. My oversight. I referred to it as a coupon thing because of its size and shape. It just reminded me of a coupon.

Thanks for the input.

M. Gipson
Estos habanos han sido elaborados con hojas del mejor tabaco del mundo. Para disfurtar de ello plenamente, conservalos en un humidor. Mantengalos alejados de productos que emitan fuertes olores y en adecuadas condiciones de temperatura (16c-18c )y de humedad (65%-70%)

These have been made with the leaves of the best tobacco in the world. For enjoyment of it fully, you conserve them in a humidor. Maintain them far away of products that emit strong smells and in adequate conditions of temperature (16c-18c) and of humidity (65%-70%)
You mean I have to save those up for the shirt?
darn, thought I could get it w/ only s/h. :(

and es, the last paragraph is in 'Deutsch'