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Habanos Heaven Pass

Ok... finally, I have my downstairs room back under MY control (bathroom looks great BTW! :laugh: )

First off... envelope #3 is MINE!!!!
Put - SLR "A" '03
Put - CoRo '04

TAKE: #2 BBF '99
PUT: CoRo '04

TAKE: #42 VR Famosos
PUT: SCdH La Fuerza '03

TAKE: #64 Punch Churchill '98
PUT: H. Upmann Sir Winston '03

TAKE: #119 Cohiba5 Maduro Magicos
PUT: HdM Piramides EL '03

I think I got these right... lemme know any concerns.
Rock on brother. I just got internet access again. ... I'll give you a call to discuss shipping.

- C
the box has made it home thanks to all players and sac magnets!!!!!!

the last card is the 5 of spades!!!!
coach was the winner ...he had a str8...15 cigars
garme1962 was second..he had a smaller str8.. 9 cigars
dmoby was third...set of 5's.. 6 cigars

thanks for playing guys this was alot of fun.
coach was the winner ...he had a str8...15 cigars
garme1962 was second..he had a smaller str8.. 9 cigars
dmoby was third...set of 5's.. 6 cigars

thanks for playing guys this was alot of fun.

Hey I didn't get to bluff my way to a win! :laugh:

Congrats to the winners :thumbs:
Excellent contest, Cory :cool:

I'll put on my poker-face for this one. Any suckers guys wanna start a little side bet now ???


Ok seadub how many cigars you want to send me when my hand is better than yours? :D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Let's start with 2 premium ($8-12) ISOMs before we get our envelopes :thumbs:

Ante up Dart! :D
Now there's an idea .... I have just as much chance of getting a winning hand as the next guy. I will have Jillian pick my envelope out of a hat to make sure all is fair. Anyone want to make a side-wager before they pick their envelope? :cool:

I'm in, Cory :thumbs:

And I'm still waiting on Dart :whistling:

I'm in, Cory :thumbs:

Ante put in the pot.
Alright! My address is in the pass list, both of you please make a note of it so you know where to send those two lovely cigars. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :cool:


Dart and Cory

I have a 2S and 4H

so I got a two-pair with 4's and 5's

What do you guys have ???
Ok seadub how about a 5pk of premium sticks just between you and I, my hand beats yours?

Let me know.

you're on :thumbs:

Hey Dart...

It looks like me and you got a 5er as well. I still got that same two-pair (4's and 5's). Whatca got ???


SEADUB it looks like I got ya I have a pair of kings Kd K? so that give me 2 pair k's & 5's
*pops his head up from out of a fog*

Hey guys! I'm starting to feel a little normal from all the travel I have done recently. Time to settle up. :)

IdahoGN took envelope #14 I believe, and I took envelope #10; we turned them all upside down, shuffled them, and choose an envelope in front of each other. Shawn ended up with one of the worst hands possible :0 , and I had a Qh and Jh for two pair: Queens and Fives. So it looks like I beat Seadub, but owe dartplayer1. I'll get these out to you before my birthday on Friday, else who knows when they will fly. LOL!

For the record, here are the envelopes and what cards were in each:
1) Qs 10s
2) 10h, 4s
3) 6h, Jd
4) 5c, Jc
5) Ad, 7c
6) Ah, 8s
7) 4h, 2s
8) Js, 9d
9) 8c, 2h
10) Qh, Jh
11) 8h, 3c
12) Ac, 10d
13) 7h, 6d
14) 7d, 9c
15) 5d, 2c
16) 7s, 3h
17) As, 10c
18) Ks, 4c
19) 6s, 2d
20) 8d, 6c
21) Kd, Kc
22) Qc, 3s

We were completely surprised that there wasn't even the possibility of a flush out of any of the two card combinations. Jillian did a great job of picking cards at random. :thumbs:

Thanks again to everyone for participating in the pass. It has been fun to watch and participate with everyone. You few who I have yet to meet, I hope to see you very soon! :thumbs: