H Upmann Coronas Major AT


May 29, 2001
I usually keep a kind of close eye on a certain retailer I like and was looking at some lower cost sticks they had. I don't have any experience at all in this area, but it looked like they had several brands of aluminum tubos machine bunched hand rolled sticks from several brands. The H Upmann Coronas Major AT looked like about the largest of them. I was thinking it might be nice to have a box on hand for friends and aquaintences and such that don't smoke much. The price was certainly right for such purposes.

Who has experience with these. Are they any good even at that price? Have they been discontinued? Perhaps a PM if someone has seen a good price on these. Are there other brands more readily available that would serve my puposes better? I like the AT for friends that don't have humidors.

Thanks. :)
Hey, shortly after making my post I went and did some research and may have answered part of my own question.

I was thinking I seen something a while back about a bunch of Habanos lines being dropped, but I didn't remember much about it. After my first post I went and did some reading and a couple of the articles I read said that this is indeed the case as a result of the Altildas (however it's spelled) purchase. Apperntly the plan was for the premium Cuban brands to drop all the lines not hand made. A reorganisation along the lines of how Altildas does things. All Montecristo are hand made, all philly blunts are machine made and so on. As a result there will be few lower cost cubans in the future. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
Funny you mention these, I just pulled one out of EShaw's pass yesterday as I had never smoked one before. I suspect it's the MM one and not the hand-made. I found a place that sells thes for $104.00/box + shipping so for a MM, they are priced a little on the high side. :(
Are they machine made, or machine bunched, hand rolled?

What are some other machine mades, or machine bunched, that a person might look at?
I believe the Coronas Major MM's are just that, machine made. They may be hand finished but I don't think so, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Other "bargain" Havanas you should consider:
Quintero Brevas (these are actually short filler and hand made)
Jose Piedra Brevas, Conservas (also short filler and hand made)
Rafael Gonzales Panetellas (again, short filler, hand made)
Troya Corona Club Tubulares A/T
Ramon Allones Mille Fleurs
Statos De Luxe Brevas or Delirios
H. Upmann Singulares

I would avoid Cabanas like the plague, these are horrible IMO. Some people also despise Jose Piedra but I've had good experiences with them.

La Flor de Cano is another popular short filler/hand made but my last box of Selectos were nothing to write home about.

Belinda is also another fairly popular inexpensive Havana but I'm not crazy about them.