Guess my smokes II! are correct! Just for that, we'll have to start over again. Ah hahahaha!!

J/K! :sign: Ya still got one more to guess.

Post #253 - five correct
Post #254 - none correct
Post #262 - four correct
1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX

ive lost track of whats been guessed

oh well to many CC. waste of a guess

1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6)Padron 200 maddie
1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6) Tatuaje Havana VI Aristas


1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6) Tatuaje RC 233
ok, five down and one to go:

OpusX xXx
Bolivar Coronas Extra
Hoyo de Monterrey Churchill
DCM #5
JLP Cremas
Don Pepin Blue Label Lancero
1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6) DPG Black 1977
Bolivar CE
hdm Churchill
DCM #5
JLP Cremas
Tat Black corona gorda?

edit: it must be late :o I meant CG size... might as well post second guess too!

and guess #2:

Bolivar CE
hdm Churchill
DCM #5
JLP Cremas
El Triunfador Lancero

New year's eve guesses:

Bolivar Coronas Extra
Hoyo de Monterrey Churchill
JLP Cremas
Opus Power Ranger
DCM #5
La Riqueza #5


Bolivar Coronas Extra
Hoyo de Monterrey Churchill
JLP Cremas
Opus Power Ranger
DCM #5
La Riqueza #4

Almost there, thanks for the contest Greg!
Bolivar Coronas Extra
Hoyo de Monterrey Churchill
JLP Cremas
Opus Power Ranger
DCM #5
Sancho Panza Quijotes

Bolivar Coronas Extra
Hoyo de Monterrey Churchill
JLP Cremas
Opus Power Ranger
DCM #5
Sancho Panza Dulcinea
1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6) Tatuaje La Maravilla

1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6) DPG My Father No 3 Cremas
1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6)Opus X PerfectionX
1) Bolivar CE
2) JLP Cremas
3) HDM Churchill
4) DCM #5
5) Opus XXX
6) AF Short story
1) JLP Cremas
2) Boli CE
3) HdM Churchill
4) Opus XXX
5) DCM #5
6) VSG Tres Mystique
Illusiones 2
Illusiones 88
Illusiones mk
Illusiones 68
Illusiones f9
Illusinones 1