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Group Bombing

Fantastic post Alan! :thumbs:

And yes, you're a grumpy bastid, welcome to the club. :laugh:
I've gotten several requests for the identity of the "I noticed..." message sender (for lack of a better thought at the moment :laugh: ).

It was a 1 month wonder that made the most egregious error. I promised him I wouldn't out him after he apologized. He thought he was just "busting balls". I set him straight about the appropriateness of busting unknown balls. He was actually quite embarrassed about it and he did give an actual apology.

He's laid pretty low since our exchange.

I hope you all understand. I gave him my word.

I made this post as more of a heads up to newer members as they may not have a sense of what actually goes on here. It was not meant as a "let's get the SOB" kind of post.
Alan, you're making me thirsty.

Mick, that's the 2nd time in a week Surly has been brought up....where can I get some for cryin' out loud!?

Alan, I fully agree with your comments......even though you are in fact a surly bastid.
yup, yup and yup!

trying to coordinate is good, and noble... but should NOT be mandatory. As far as the required sticks to send... well, that's just wrong. Not everyone can send the required stuff, but that doesn't make them any less worthy of joining. I woldn't even suggest what to send... some guys can do bette with sending non-cigar stuff! Just the act of sending is good, regardless of WHAT it is. What ever happened to 'Its the thought that counts'? But BBS is right... it's a friendship thing, not a 'Street Cred' thing. Nothing is better than sending a BOTL a little sumthin' sumthin' when he least expects it, really needs it, or just for the hell of it.

I'd suggest carrying on with the endeavor, but change it to 'Would you LIKE to join'? And come up with a catchy name like Operation Smackdown 2 :laugh:
It was a 1 month wonder that made the most egregious error. I promised him I wouldn't out him after he apologized. He thought he was just "busting balls". I set him straight about the appropriateness of busting unknown balls.

Alan, great and appropriate post.

To draw from the above line, I see a repeat trend of late, where some of the newer guys are acting the part of forum police. If you have less than a year on this forum, you have no place in the police force. There are experienced FOGs here that can handle this type of thing. If you feel someone is outside the rules, and can't suppress the urge to say something, PM the individual. If they tell you to go F yourself, turn it over to one of the fogs to deal with. Finger pointing by guys with 2,3,4 months just makes the community look like a bunch of thugs.
Great points.

The ball busting and expectations are tough to put on members even if you are casual aquaintences or friends. The group bombings are fun, but people need to mind thier P & Q's if you are not that familiar with some members.