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Great So. Calif. Steakout, Herf & Tour of Edwards AFB - DONE!


Perpetual Newbie
Jun 19, 2008
Based on the trial balloon I floated it seems there is enough interest to move forward and actually plan this event. As of now I have at least 15 people interested so I am going to move forward on this.

I am scheduling a High Desert Herf on June 17th 2010.

This is an all day event and open to members in good standing here (no asshats) who would like to do a bit more than simply sit and smoke a few cigars.

I need a minimum of 20 people - spouses, sig-ot's and children are welcome to attend.

Beginning at approximately 9:00am we will be taking a private guided bus tour of the Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards AFB. This will be a comprehensive tour and will include a flight-line tour, tour of the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center and the Air Force Flight Test Center Museum. Upon completion of the tour we will retire to Foxy's Southwestern Steakhouse; a local cigar friendly steakhouse for a herf and steakout.

This is an all day event with the tour starting at approximately 9:00am and completing around 2:00pm and then off to the steakhouse. The tour will be by bus and there will be no charge associated with the tour. All travel to and from the event, dining and cigar expenses are of course, your responsibility.

Again: I am scheduling this to take place on THURSDAY June 17th, 2010

Due to the nature of the installation and their mission, it will be necessary for participants to provide the base with certain information (name, D.O.B. SSN or Driver's License #) in order to get clearance to gain access to the base for this tour. All such information would be requested directly from and through the AFFTC Public Affairs Office in order to protect your privacy.

We need a minimum of 20 people and can accommodate up to a maximum of 40 so don't be shy about inviting close friends or family.

Those of you wishing to attend please PM me your first and last name and the names of any family members or guests you would be bringing so I can get the roster started.



This definitely sounds like something we'd like to do! I'll be sure to keep the end of June open. :)

Thanks for offering this rare opportunity to the community.
Hey Danny, Michelle and I will try to make it. She really enjoyed Foxy's.
Damn! I work in HQ AFMC and I've not been out to AFFTC yet. That's messed up! I'm jealous.

I hope to get out there on an inspection or a site visit this year. Hopefully I can hook up with you for a steak and a stick.

Good luck with this. It sounds like a great gig!!


I would be interested in this. Not a regular poster (yet), as I have only been a member since today.

If that disqualifies me from this event, I totally understand...
I just received confirmation from the Flight Test Center and NASA that our tour has been approved and we are a go for launch.

95th ABW Public Affairs/Community Ralations
Tour Date Requested: Thursday, 17 June 2010
Group Name And Address:
Friends of Danny B****** tour
POC: Danny B******, Vice President of Edwards AFB Civ-Mil
POC Phone #: 661-***-****
POC Cell #:
POC Email: db******@sbcglobal.net

Date Of Initial Contact: 14 January 2010
Group Size: 20 to 25
Group Composition:
Gate Of Entry: North
Edwards AFB ETA: 0900
Transportation Needed: One bus
Meal Arrangements: NASA Food Court
Attendee Roster sent to SFS on:
Person Taking Reservation Dennis S********, Cell 661-***-****
Volunteer Tour Guide:

Time Event and location
0830 Public Affairs tour guide arrives at Bldg 3516
0850 Air Force bus arrives at West Gate Parking Lot
0900 Group arrives, checks in and boards bus
0915 Arrive at Museum, tour at leisure
1000 Group boards bus for NASA
1030 – 1200 NASA Dryden tour
1200 – 1300 Lunch, NASA Food Court
1245 Air Force Bus returns
1300 – 1430 Air Force flightline tour
1430 Tour complete, depart installation

I need a PM from those attending (or desiring to attend but still not able to commit) I need a name and e-mail addy in the PM please.


How the heck did I miss this!? I'll be there for sure bud! Let me see what Deanna's schedule is to see if she can go as well, as her day to day schedule is pretty hairy seeing as she just started the academy at Fullerton part time for the next ten months. I'll get back to you soon!
Thank you for the opportunity to partake in this man, you rock!
How the heck did I miss this!? I'll be there for sure bud! Let me see what Deanna's schedule is to see if she can go as well, as her day to day schedule is pretty hairy seeing as she just started the academy at Fullerton part time for the next ten months. I'll get back to you soon!
Thank you for the opportunity to partake in this man, you rock!

Q, isn't there some law against cops dating or marrying cops? Blue doesn't go with blue or something?

How the heck did I miss this!? I'll be there for sure bud! Let me see what Deanna's schedule is to see if she can go as well, as her day to day schedule is pretty hairy seeing as she just started the academy at Fullerton part time for the next ten months. I'll get back to you soon!
Thank you for the opportunity to partake in this man, you rock!

You are both on the list. Let me know when you find out about her schedule.
Do they do a background check or anything before we are allowed on the base? I'm asking for a friend. ;)
Danny I would love to go would be great to get up to your area since you came to mine for the Mud Run
Do they do a background check or anything before we are allowed on the base? I'm asking for a friend. ;)

They do require a full name, date of birth and either a driver license number or the last 4 of your SSN and use that information to run a check of some sort but I do not know the extent of the check. I assume it is probably similar to any screening you would get at an airport when travelling. Checking a terrorism watch list and that sort of thing.


Danny I would love to go would be great to get up to your area since you came to mine for the Mud Run

I'll put you down on the list. It will be god to have you along.

This definitely sounds like something we'd like to do! I'll be sure to keep the end of June open. :)

Thanks for offering this rare opportunity to the community.

Hey Rod

You going to bring some double-doubles for the ride out?
