For those of you, who are looking for a place to buy habanos, dont waste your time, go to where you know you are going to get authentic Cuban Cigars. There are hundreds of Cuban cigars being manufactured in Miami, and other places. If you think you are getting a great deal, you are not, the average Cuban Cigar box cost 200 to 250 Cigars, depending on the size, brand name and quantity.
I am the production manager for Cohiba Distributions Plant in Habana, our government have intersected over 700,000 fake cuban cigars in France, Spain and Habana. Becarefull when ordering cigars.
If you need any recomendations, just write me at my personal email at:
I will tell you which official websites our goverment guarantees to provide you with quality cigars.
Manuel Del Prado
Cohiba Cigar Manufacturing, Co.
Habana, Cuba.