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Great Place To Buy Cubans

Puro Man

Jul 13, 2001
I know a close "friend" that recently bought Cubans from a place online called www.habana-net.com. They have good prices and they guarantee shipment worldwide. They told my "friend" that if they were to be seized, that they would send the order again FREE OF CHARGE! His order came in 4 days and they were beautiful. Check them out, they are a good retailer.
Puro, hey glad to hear your buddy got some good habanos. However, as a general unspoken rule on most boards, one does not post a contact for habanos that ships to the USA for fear of confiscation of their goods. Usually these types of discussions are reserved for e-mail. Just a friendly tip as I'm sure your "friend" would not want his contact exposed and start having his merchandise confiscated - get my drift???!!! :^)
Hey, good for him, I hope he moved to a place where he could LEGALLY obtain Habanos!!! hehe :wink:
Heh, I see your point; but Im sure glad he posted em. Ive been lookin for some. Not that I will buy any of course. Thats illegal.
Yes Ive heard they have a good product and good service. As far as posting links...well If big brother really wanted to stop the purchases overseas they would. Any person with 2 hours on thier hands can go to several places on the net and find all of the retailers that People use. Would it be different in email if someone you dont know emails you asking for your sources and you freely give them to him? How do you know who you are really dealing with? If the government wanted to enforce this they would. When you have 10's of thousands of people doing it though its a question of weather or not they want to tie up the court system with it. Hopefully they have better things to do. If you go to many cigar related sites there are banner ads from all of the major reatailers in Europe and elsewhere. If you look hard enough on this site they advertise here too. Seems kind of silly to want to keep it "Quiet" We openly discuss trading and boxpassing with the isoms Should we also reserve this for email? We post rerviews of the forbidden leaf, should we not do this either? I should also state that I dont post links on any boards but more out of fear of being flamed to death!! Why does Mitchell post so freely and advertise on every major board across the net? He doesnt seem to worried that his customers product is going to get confiscated? This is all purely for arguments sake of course as I most assuradely wouldnt partake in any such activities!! I hope no other law abiding american would either!
I think you got all that out of your system Sammy! I feel the same way. I just don't think that the US is interested in fueling Castro's island by legalizing Cuban cigars. Even if you buy them from Europe, that still indirectly helps Cuba. Hopefully once Castro is gone, this nonsense will be over!:cool:
I politely disagree about posting sources on a public board. Mine is purely stinginess though. I don't want what I want gone the next time I try to order. LMAO I do feel it is better to do this sort of thing over e-mail though. Mainly because it can get out of hand when people not only post the link, but the description of shipping processes, etc. Besides, those of us who spent a lot of time research and trial and error don't really want to give up our hard work to just anyone. LMAO Also, there are several sources that actually don't want to be bothered with hudreds of e-mails from people they don't know directly. If they advertise, that's fine, point people in the direction of the ad. Just my .02!
I was going to ask you the same question, Jeff. LMAO I think we have a few in common. LMAO
Did your friend tell you whether they deliver with box and bands? If you wish you can e-mail me the answer.
Sure, I'll email you. BTW, I just wanted to share a good site with all 183 members of this forum. I just thought some people would want to know of a good site-that's all! I'm not advertising for them, I'm just doin' the word of mouth thing.
Puro Man, This was a friendly lesson in Cigar Trading Etiquette. These are a great bunch of guys and I feel they wanted to pass some wisdom of their many years to some of us younger folk.
I agree entirely with Sam, but thats our country for ya. The Pres, can recieve pleasure from the woman under his desk; but we can't smoke cigars. As far as Cubans being legalized once Castro kicks it, I doubt it; because his brother (who is next in line to take his place) is ten times worse in americas eyes.
Is that right? What do yo uknow about his brother? I knew he was next in line, but why is he worse?