Okay, Devil's Advocate here and I know I am going to get flamed so I have already donned my flame retardent underwear but have any of you actually received fake cubans from this site or are you operating on the assumption that cheap=fake?
I don't question the assumption and I am not trying to defend the site in question in anyway. I am just reading and couldn't help but ask.
If you search the Lobby, you should be able to find the posts from a couple of shills who were here to claim great praises for this company. Of course, their IP addresses were in Costa Rica, and they were commenting on a thread that was nearly a year old, but they seemed very believable.
Unfortunately for you, whether or not you decide to purchase from this vendor, which is nobody's business but your own, you have posed a question that once asked cannot be unasked. I would find it very unlikely that you will ever be in a position with members of this board to trade cigars of that type. There will always henceforth be a concern that you took the bargian offer and what you have to trade is not what it proposes to be.