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Got the box! Will dig around in it later and post up, Not feelin' so hot so it may be a lot later!
Joe, I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Don't worry about the pass until you are able to focus on it. Just worry about getting well now.



Ah..... Now I feel bad! We made Joe worry so much that he wasn't getting the pass next, he went and got sick over it.

Get to feeling better Joe. :thumbs:

Hey, either that.... OR........ No fair faking it just so you can keep the pass longer. This isn't grade school you know buddy!!!
Naw Gibu... that's not it! I think he had too much of my "salty nuts"! Bwahahahahahahaha!

In all seriousness... hope you're feeling better Brother Joe! Get well soon!


UGH. . . .

Now I think I'm gonna be sick too. . . .

GET WELL JOE M. It is no fun being sick for the holidays!

:D :D :D
Sorry it took so long to get back to the pass, been fighting the flu and getting my ass kicked. I will have someone drop it at they PO tomorrow and I will post up the DC # INS # ASAP.

VSG bell
CAO maddie
Trinidad bell
Opus #4

Opus petite lancero
VSG Sorcerer
Short story
IT super fuerte natural

And 1 PAM torp for Gramp’s!

Thanks for letting me play Steve and congrats again!
Very Nice puts & takes there Joe, I hope you feel better soon there for the holidays brother.... :) :thumbs: :)
Great play Joe. Sorry your still under the weather. Get to feeling better before Christmas gets here.
Outstanding play Joe M.

I am so glad you were a part of this play. As always, you did GREAT! ! !

I do hope that you get to feeling better real soon. It certainly is no fun to be sick for the Holidays.

Gibu! ! ! Heads up! ! ! INCOMING! ! !

I am really hoping this pass finds it's way to me before I leave on January 8th. I am leaving for Guyana then and will be gone until the end of February. . .it sure would be GREAT to take some of these good smokes with me.


I'm still last aren't I? Did anyone get added after me that I'm not remembering? If not then Jan 8th should be easy. Thats like two weeks away. :thumbs:
You are correct sir! You are last! And then. . .the pass comes home to PAPA! ! ! :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :D :D :D :D :D
Nice play A$$Man! Hope you get to feeling better soon. No one wants a sick A$$ around on Christmas. :p
Hey guys,

Just wanted everyone to know I got the pass at some point over the holiday and its safe and sound. It was put in the basement for me as I like for them to, but I've been so busy with family and such I just never took time to check the basement for a package. As a result I'm really not sure when it arrived, only that it's here now.

I'll get my takes done with the rest of my weekend and get it back on the road to Steve on Monday. Should make for a very happy new year for him. :D

Haven't even had time to open the box yet, I think I'll go do that now. :thumbs:
Thanks Gibu. . . I was starting to get worried about this one. . .it was taking so long. Thanks for getting it out so quick. I want to be able to go through it before I leave for Guyana on January 8th.



Do you have your dancin' shoes on Steve or is this a bair foot dance since your on your way to Guyana...... :D :thumbs: :p

Well, as you can imagine. . .given my size. . .I am not much of a dancer. But given the circumstances, I do have "Happy Feet".

Can't wait to get that box. It has come a long way since I dropped it off in your hands Stogie.
OK, time to demonstrate my wonderfull decision making skills here. It was amazingly dificult to keep from changing out half the box with as many great sticks as there are in this thing.

The documentation seems to be missing (I'll look a couple more times even though theres no where else to look), but I figured no big deal since I'm last anyway. I made sure everything I took had a number on it so I wasn't getting any of GB's gifts. I will take anything that says "For Steve" on it though assuming it's for me. :thumbs: :D

Here is my puts and takes for the moment. I still have all day Sunday to think things over so this may change. Also, PLEASE help a bro out if I'm screwing up somewhere with my takes.


36 Custa-Rey Centenario (LD Sent me one and I really liked it, I have no idea of the value)
62 CAO Black
90 Custa-Rey Centenario (Told you I like them)
124 big bad a$$ AF Canores (Never seen one before and I knew I couldn't let it leave)
144 Ashton VSG
103 El Rico ISOM
110 Punch Punch ISOM
127 H Upmann Magnum ISOM

Puts (I started my numbers at 148, not sure if this is correct, sorry if its not)

148 Fuente Opus X
149 Fuente Hemingway Classic
150 Cohiba Red Dot XV
151 CAO Brazilia Samba (My favorite Brazilia size)
152 Ashton Robusto
153 Partagas 1845
154 Indian Tabac Limited Reserve
155 Indian Tabac Maduro Pyramid
156 Padron Churchill
157 Perdomo2 Milinaro Rosado
158 Fonseca Cosacos 1998 ISOM
159 Fonseca Cosacos 1998 ISOM
160 Montecristo #4 1997 ISOM
161 Montecristo #4 1997 ISOM
162 Cohiba Siglo 6 (For GB only so nobody after me take it please!)

Hope that all sounds cosher.

This was a really cool pass, and couldn't have a better theme. Being the holidays as well made it even just that much better as well. Thank you so much Steve for letting participate.
Great Puts and Takes. . .


Thanks Steve!

And no! ! ! Those items marked for Steve WERE NOT FOR YOU. . . .SO PUT THEM BACK! ! ! :D :D :D :D :D

Now. . . get that box mailed to ARKANSAS! ! !


And thanks to EVERYONE! ! !

