We're all doing fine!
Hey, did I ever tell you my SOS story?
Picture this...I'm 18, wake up with the flu...it's coming out both ends if you know what I mean...anyway, Did I mention that I'm in Basic Training? So the drill Sgt "convinces" me that I'm not really sick and rather than go on sick call, I "volunteer" for KP. So here I am, sick as a dog, standing in the kitchen of the mess hall smelling all the wonderful Army food cooking. The Mess Sgt takes one look at me and sees that I'm not in any shape to be that helpful...so he gives me the SOS stirring job. There I am stirring this gigantic, floor-mounted, steaming pot of SOS with a paddle-sized spoon. As the Sgt walks away, he offers this advice: "Try not to barf in the pot"
I remember thinking "Who would know?"
True story, I swear....