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Good Morning S / BOTL - 2013

Good morning everyone, the espresso is on and it's Friday! We had a good time at Aroma last night, a number of the usual suspects were enjoying top shelf sticks and all. Well, I got the initial burn in on the new smoker, all is left is to decide what to smoke first and enjoy. I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy....... 🍺
Good morning Team!

About to start cup 2, WFH on Friday is such a blessing, getting ready for a long week of camping in Nebraska...
Lots to do today, have a great day and weekend!
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's looking like it's going to be a beautiful week here in the Hudson Valley according to NOAA:

We're going to smoke a spatchcock chicken today on the smoker, can hardly wait to taste it this afternoon:

Have a great week everyone and enjoy..... :)
Good morning everyone, the espresso is on and it's another gorgeous morning here in Cornwall, NY. Yesterday's Spatchcock Chicken came out great, very tasty and juicier than ever:


Have a great day all and definitely enjoy....... 🍺