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Golf 2015


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Oct 10, 2009
Yesterday was legendary for me as a golfer.
I knew I had it in me and it finally came out.   After putting in the practice chipping and putting when ever I could get a chance.  Yesterday,  I played 18 and stopped keeping score after 14, I was just hitting my groove.  After 13 we decided to play another 9, I think that's the reason I lost focus on the last 5 holes, to bad really.  We were both hitting the ball great just not scoring.  I was chipping great but 2 putting to bogey.  I smoked a Alec Bradley Insignia, which was good enough to keep me focused and an original Savinelli, that was awesome.  I was feeling GREAT!  
My Playing partner and I decide to play another 9.
Off 10, PAR 4, We rushed to get in front of 2 foursomes playing 9 and another group coming from the front.  I was starting to put everything left and I need to slow down.  - I make up for a bad first shot and put it next to the green, left, (the end of the driving range- 10 or 15 balls in the area) after a brief search, I find my ball, chip up but not hard enough and leave myself a ten footer, which I put in the hole- Par- I finally sunk a putt!
11.  PAR 4, Dogleg left, play it safe 150 yards , chunk it hit 130, but still have a shot at making the green.  I played it safe and took a good angle to play up on to chip close enough to Second shot was a weak 8 iron that I hit so solid It went flying up to the green and rolls up next to the hole.  5 footer for birdy.  -1, I feel great, two holes, two putts, awesome.
12.  Par 5,  Straight out.  I go right, for once,  into the trees but get some good distance.  I chip it back to the fairway, hit it up in the sand, one out of the sand, one chip up, 2 putts for a 7.
13. PAR 3, an easy 9 with the wind, I miss hit it, but get away with it it, left with a five footer and I am back, birdy putt even. Awesome!! sinking putts!!
14, PAR 4, A straight narrow, I'm starting to get into a serious groove.  The drive goes a long way hits a tree, I've got to play it safe, back to the fairway, I chip up to within tap in distance and make it so. par.
15, PAR 3,  a wedge up, just off the green, chip over, sink a 5 footer. PAR!  I am sinking putts!!
16 PAR 4, After going LEFT again I don't really have a good shot at the green so I use another one and get back into the fairway. hit my next one up, on line but short, another chunk.  I line up focus chip it up, on line a little quick, hits the pin and drops! PAR!
17, PAR 4 This time to the RIGHT in the 16th fairway.  I play it over the trees but totally right club, but hit the branch at the top sending the ball left, it drops and leaves me with a 30 yard chip up.  I feel great! I address the ball, line up, practice swing, practice swing, up to the ball, launch sequence activated, it drops a sits 6 inches from the hole, tap in par.
18, PAR 4 , back to the long drive to the club house. I said it before, I feel great.  I launch the ball long , but left into some rough.  Focusing I put it out of 3 inches of heavy grass right in front of the green, a chip up and a putt in and PAR!!
I shot PAR for nine holes and I feel GREAT!!!  This will be the year I break 80!!!! 
Thats awesome!  Congrats!  Nothing better than a great day of golf....but a close second is a bad day of golf, because at least your not at work or doing chores. 
I am still trying to get to my goal of breaking 90.  I started breaking 95 last year (just two years ago I was 100+, so big deal for me), now this is the year to get into the 80s.  I played a really tough course in French Lick this last Friday, cigars definitely helped as those PGA groomed greens are just F-ing frustrating!
Good job. You keep putting in the time from 100 yards in and you will see results.
Nice, congratulations! The way I hit the ball par is only a pipe dream but a dream it is.
Par for nine is great and as Ben Hogan said "the secret is in the dirt".
Very nice round!  It does feel great when everything is working together, especially the putter.
Ok now I'm really itching to play...I'd like to break 100 some day.
Had a couple poor rounds this weekend. The good part...it was only 3-4 bad holes that really cost me. That's better than in the past! 
thinde said:
Nice, congratulations! The way I hit the ball par is only a pipe dream but a dream it is.
We'll at least have some fine smokes along the way!
I was told when I commissioned that golf was a necessary skill to be an effective AF Officer. (Ehh...shut up, Doc! :P )
I have clubs. Awesome ones. Unused.
Never really learned and no one to teach me that I cared to learn from.
I pictured every hole in your post.
To sum: Perfect. Nice day my friend and many more to you!
Haven't broken 90 in three years...but I only find the time to play about 2-3 times annually. Shooting par would be a dream. I only have a couple birdies (outside of Golden Tee) to my name.
Played for the first time today since last September, par, par, bogey, par then blew up 95. What can I expect after not playing for so long on a course I didn't know.
Took a golf day yesterday. Took the boy with me to play a par three before school, a nice challenging par three small greens tight fairways and many 200+ yard holes. Started out rough of course it was 7 am. After getting in 9, I had to drop the boy off at school and play the course right next to it !

I got 27 holes, highs and lows consisted of many birdy to boggie chances and driving a 320 yard hole.

After that, I went and got my son from school. We went back to the par 3 and got 9 more holes in paring many of the holes with great chipping. But if I didn't get in close I was three putting otherwise.

Smoked a cellar reserve - my first gurka. A padron 5000. And some huge ring Gloria cubana.

What a great day!
I'm playing Granite Links on Wednesday.

How do you guys feel about the price of golf in your area. Now that I have the boy I get a cart so it costs me about 30$ during the week and 50 on the weekend- at economical courses.

We are playing Granite Links at the golfnow twilight rate of 65$.
Some courses around here are about the same as you just quoted.  $30/18 w/cart weekday, not terrible in my opinion.  That is for the above average course.  There are cheaper options and more expensive ones.  I was just talking about the cost of joining a club yesterday, I used to belong to Glen Echo Country Club which the dues are about $545 per month, plus cart fees of $17 each time you play, a quarterly food and beverage minimum, locker fees, assessments etc.  Heck they even charge a $7.00 walking fee.  The whole annual tab is probably $11,000 plus and that is probably one of the less expensive CC's around.  Unless a family plays a lot of golf, loves the course and uses the pool and tennis courts, it is most likely not worth.  I quit a couple of years ago and joined an athletic club which has tee times at various courses including the one I quit.  There is a group here which runs 14 different courses and if you join for the season, the total fee including golf, cart and range balls is $2,100 with reciprocity at most of the other courses they manage.  At $35 per round that is still 60 rounds during the season which is a bunch of rounds so whether it is worth it or not is debatable. The most I ever put in the books was 75, most of the time it is far less than that especially in the last few years with the back going out.  Having access to a practice tee is the one thing I think I miss most.  Hitting real balls off real grass is worth something. 
Played 18. The wind was so bad I couldn't hear my cart partner. Tough day with the golf and with the smokes.

Still made a couple pars had a few shots at birdy, the driver just wasn't working. I'll try to get out this weekend!
I am taking a group out to play one the top 100 courses in the world tomorrow. Ballyneal in Holyoke, Colorado.
I haven't played much in the past 3 years and it shows in the scores, blew a 102 on Thursday, a 101 on Saturday and a 91 on Sunday. The 91 was a 41 front side and 50 backside. Guess I tired out or had a total brain fart.
Playing my local par 3 with the boy today- we try to get out Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Have fun!