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Got Me Some Very Tasty Stogies Box Pass

Give Me Some Very Tasty Stogies Box Pass

Give Me Some Very Tasty Sticks Box Pass

Give Me Some Vitolas To Smoke Box Pass

Give Me Some Variety To Smoke Box Pass

Gonna Mail Some Very Tasty Stogies Box Pass

Gonna Mail Some Very Tasty Sticks Box Pass
You're Drving Us Insane Damn You! Box Pass ? :angry:

:p ;) :D
Another 10 guesses.

Give Me Some Variety To Smoke Back Please

Give Me Some Variety To Smoke Back People

Give Me Some Variety To Smoke Back Passers

Got Myself Some Variety To Smoke Box Pass

Give Myself Some Variety To Smoke Box Pass

Got Myself Some Vitolas To Smoke Box Pass

Give Myself Some Vitolas To Smoke Box Pass

Give My Special Vitolas to Someone Box Pass

Gonna Mail Some Various Terriffic Smokes Box Pass

Give Me Some Various Types of Smokes Back Please
I think AVB is the one always in front of you to buy lottery tickets that wants like 15 tickets with all different numbers they pick!!!.. LOL.. and just like in the lotto lots of close calls but no cigar.. :D
Got Me Some Vitolas To Share Box Pass

Got Me Some Vitolas To Send Box Pass

Gonna Make Some Vitolas To Send Box Pass :D

Gonna Make Some Vitolas To Share Box Pass

Giving My Scrumptious Vitolas To Share Box Pass

Giving My Standard Vitolas To Share Box Pass

Gonna Mail Some Very Tasty Smokes Before Passover :sign:

Giving Men Some Vitolas To Smoke Box Pass

Giving My Special Variety To Share Box Pass

Giving My Selection (of) Vitolas To Share Box Pass
ok. Here's my guess. I actually have quite a few, so I'm going to consolidate...

every Webster word that starts with G
every Webster word that starts with M
every Webster word that starts with S
every Webster word that starts with V
every Webster word that starts with T
every Webster word that starts with S
every Webster word that starts with B
every Webster word that starts with P

and every permutation. :D
That's a good one MonkeyK :thumbs: , I hope you do well with it.
Nope nope and nope... :D

Go back and look at all my messages, I put a hint or two in about every one. Its no secret, its just become a fun game.

Gonna Mail Someone Very Tasty Smokes Box Pass


Gonna Mail Someone Very Tasty Sticks Box Pass
Well it seems the pass will be moving on to the next secret victim today or tomorrow. PB should be sending it on today to the next person he chooses. PB (due to me not knowing he was moving when I shipped it and bad timing) wasnt able to due any putting or taking. But is enjoying of some of the free for the taking bomb sticks in there hence the second element of the pass/bomb combination. There is a nice variety in there of all top choice sticks for the next victim.

see ya

BTW the missing words are in this message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Gonna Mail a Secret Victim Tasty Sticks Bomb Pass

Gonna Mail a Secret Victim Tasty Smokes Bomb Pass

Gonna Mail a Secret Victim Tasty Sticks Box Pass

Gonna Mail a Secet Victim Tasty Smokes Box Pass
moki said:
Isn't it obvious?

Gay Men Smoking Very Tasty Schlong Between Puros

Personally, I hope I'm not a part of this...
Face it guys, I'm right...
Got Me Some Very Tasty Sticks Bomb Pass

Got Me Some Very Tasty Smokes Bomb Pass

Got Me Some Very Tasty Stogies Bomb Pass

Gonna Mail Some Very Tasty Stogies Bomb Pass

Gonna Mail Some Very Tasty Smokes Bomb Pass

Gonna Mail Some Very Tasty Sticks Bomb Pass

Gonna Move Some Very Tasty Sticks Bomb Pass

Gonna Move Some Very Tasty Sticks Box Pass
blair said:
ok. Here's my guess. I actually have quite a few, so I'm going to consolidate...

every Webster word that starts with G
every Webster word that starts with M
every Webster word that starts with S
every Webster word that starts with V
every Webster word that starts with T
every Webster word that starts with S
every Webster word that starts with B
every Webster word that starts with P

and every permutation. :D
Boy! I really find it hard to believe that I didn't get it with this guess!!!
