Wurm said:Mindflux said:IgwanaRob said:Mindflux said:cletus said:Disclaimer:
A couple of the intro posts were dated after the contest started, so thats why
those people did not place.
Thxs Again for posting
Everybody did a great job.
What a joke. I joined after the contest started, yet this was a contest for newbies.
This should have been open to anyone under 100 posts or under so many days on the forum.
The phrase "Doesn't Get It" seems to fit all too perfectly here....
If "Doesn't Get It" means "This contest was scripted unfairly to not include people who are just now joining the forums and have two smokes to their name and would love the opportunity to 'win' some" Then yes, you are completely correct.
If by "Doesn't Get It" you're insinuating I just Don't get it.. you'd be wrong. I get it.
I'm not very well loved here... but even I know you don't "get it" Take my advice on something I learned the hard way, Things are done differently here. Your not entitled to anything here, free cigars most of all. So don't piss anyone off and you will find the people here are VERY GENEROUS. Piss them off and well lol you'll be fighting an uphill battle for the rest of your stay.
Mindflux said:If "Doesn't Get It" means "This contest was scripted unfairly to not include people who are just now joining the forums and have two smokes to their name and would love the opportunity to 'win' some" Then yes, you are completely correct.
If by "Doesn't Get It" you're insinuating I just Don't get it.. you'd be wrong. I get it.
bchem said:Mindflux said:If "Doesn't Get It" means "This contest was scripted unfairly to not include people who are just now joining the forums and have two smokes to their name and would love the opportunity to 'win' some" Then yes, you are completely correct.
If by "Doesn't Get It" you're insinuating I just Don't get it.. you'd be wrong. I get it.
Hey! Calm the hell down! Anyone with half a friggin' brain understood the fuggin' contest! If you joined after the date the contest was posted, you had the opportunity to tailor your "intro post" to be fabulous and try to win the contest. This was for people who ALREADY posted their intro BEFORE the contest was started!
you obviously don't "get it" when someone gives out cigars for free you have NO RIGHT TO BITCH about what they send or don't send!
Sit back, hang out, learn some (post AFTER thinking) and you will find that they brothers here are very generous, OR keep up with the attitude....your choice
Welcome to CP by the way!
Mindflux said:Read post above.. feel free to modify your post after realising your assumptions of me were wrong.bchem said:Mindflux said:If "Doesn't Get It" means "This contest was scripted unfairly to not include people who are just now joining the forums and have two smokes to their name and would love the opportunity to 'win' some" Then yes, you are completely correct.
If by "Doesn't Get It" you're insinuating I just Don't get it.. you'd be wrong. I get it.
Hey! Calm the hell down! Anyone with half a friggin' brain understood the fuggin' contest! If you joined after the date the contest was posted, you had the opportunity to tailor your "intro post" to be fabulous and try to win the contest. This was for people who ALREADY posted their intro BEFORE the contest was started!
you obviously don't "get it" when someone gives out cigars for free you have NO RIGHT TO BITCH about what they send or don't send!
Sit back, hang out, learn some (post AFTER thinking) and you will find that they brothers here are very generous, OR keep up with the attitude....your choice
Welcome to CP by the way!
Wurm said:Dude... the BOTL who started the contest is a regular joe just like you and I
Thats means he can make the rules anyway HE WANTS!
And thats all I have to say on the matter.
bchem said:Mindflux said:Read post above.. feel free to modify your post after realising your assumptions of me were wrong.bchem said:Mindflux said:If "Doesn't Get It" means "This contest was scripted unfairly to not include people who are just now joining the forums and have two smokes to their name and would love the opportunity to 'win' some" Then yes, you are completely correct.
If by "Doesn't Get It" you're insinuating I just Don't get it.. you'd be wrong. I get it.
Hey! Calm the hell down! Anyone with half a friggin' brain understood the fuggin' contest! If you joined after the date the contest was posted, you had the opportunity to tailor your "intro post" to be fabulous and try to win the contest. This was for people who ALREADY posted their intro BEFORE the contest was started!
you obviously don't "get it" when someone gives out cigars for free you have NO RIGHT TO BITCH about what they send or don't send!
Sit back, hang out, learn some (post AFTER thinking) and you will find that they brothers here are very generous, OR keep up with the attitude....your choice
Welcome to CP by the way!
I edited my original post for spelling. I try my best NOT to make assumptions, we all know what happens then!You just didn't understand the point of the contest. End of story.
Mindflux said:Hey bud, I'm just speakin my mind. That's what discussion forums are for.
bchem said:Mindflux said:Hey bud, I'm just speakin my mind. That's what discussion forums are for.
Here we go again....
cletus said:3rd- Roy R Frush
Mindflux said:What a joke. I joined after the contest started, yet this was a contest for newbies.
This should have been open to anyone under 100 posts or under so many days on the forum.
cigarsarge said:Mindflux...You sound like a spoiled little baby. If you don't like the way the rules were written...TOUGH. If you don't like the way the contest ended...TOUGH.
One thing for sure, I would not give you the time of day or any of my cigars. You are just one of the many who think they know beter than establshed members.
One last word for you....STFU before you lose any more credibility.
Mindflux said:cigarsarge said:Mindflux...You sound like a spoiled little baby. If you don't like the way the rules were written...TOUGH. If you don't like the way the contest ended...TOUGH.
One thing for sure, I would not give you the time of day or any of my cigars. You are just one of the many who think they know beter than establshed members.
One last word for you....STFU before you lose any more credibility.
Talk about losing credibility, flame boy. For what it's worth the contest ended the way the originator intended. Show me where I bitched about how the contest ended? I'm griping about how the rules were written, which is my right.. like it or not.
Don't get all butt-hurt because someone goes against the grains.
Mind you I never said I knew better, I said I thought the rules were written poorly. Perhaps you should spend less time assuming things and more time reading the rest of the posts.
Mindflux said:Sarge:
Use this, mkay?
cigarsarge said:Mindflux said:cigarsarge said:Mindflux...You sound like a spoiled little baby. If you don't like the way the rules were written...TOUGH. If you don't like the way the contest ended...TOUGH.
One thing for sure, I would not give you the time of day or any of my cigars. You are just one of the many who think they know beter than establshed members.
One last word for you....STFU before you lose any more credibility.
Talk about losing credibility, flame boy. For what it's worth the contest ended the way the originator intended. Show me where I bitched about how the contest ended? I'm griping about how the rules were written, which is my right.. like it or not.
Don't get all butt-hurt because someone goes against the grains.
Mind you I never said I knew better, I said I thought the rules were written poorly. Perhaps you should spend less time assuming things and more time reading the rest of the posts.
Sir...You are a troll, nothing more, nothing less. You obviously think you should have won and got some feeebies. Why else would you care?
Now the personal attack on me...Calling me "Flame Boy". You obivously don't know much about me. You obviously don't know much about being a BOTL. My reputation stands on it's own. Your reputation stands on quicksand.
Take your griping back to the playground. Ride the see-saw and relax. You are well on your way to being finished.
Mindflux said:*twiddles thumbs in anticipation*
cigarsarge said:Mindflux said:*twiddles thumbs in anticipation*
What were you twidleing you thumbs for? Think you had it wrapped up? :whistling: