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Give To Your Buddies - Double Box Pass

Hey guys, something just occured to me - somewhere between Shadow & Churchill we lost #38. Was that number just skipped?

Dave ;)
Hey Matt! Don't keep us in suspence! :p

Delivery Status

You entered 0300 1290 0006 2883 5607

Your item was delivered at 10:38am on October 22, 2001 in ATLANTA, IL 61723.

Give us the good news, bro!
Dave :thumbs:
Intranet was AWOL today so no e-mail or server access, but got the box and have my takes and puts done:
I took #5 PAN Principe and added #55 and #56, a Hemingway Classic and a Sancho Panza Non-Plus (ISOM) and filled the buddies box with a couple of rockets and I even found room in the pass box for a WOA maduro for Dave. So, all you other guys..hands off!!!! :thumbs:
I'll get it back out tomorrow afternoon, if the internet is still offline I won't be able to post, but I assure you it will go out tomorrow. Mark...you're up next bro!
Wow, thanks Matt - you're truly a gentleman. :thumbs:

Alright you Bozo's - hands off my stogie!! :sign:

Hey Mark, heads up - it's coming your way!

Dave :cool:
She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes , when she comes! :) Well, no mountains here... anyway... if it lands Thursday, no prob. However, Friday, I'll be gone to Little Rock for our district 4 state contest. Daughter will accept it but I wont be able to get to it till Sunday and back out Monday.???
OK Mark, it's on it's way. Thursday might be pushing it, but it should be close. Illinois to Texas is usually only three days, but who knows with todays postal system. :thumbs:
Hey Matt, where-abouts in Illinois are you? I'm up in the N/E corner (n/w burbs of Chicago). If you're not too far, perhaps we could get together some time... Trade a few, smoke a few, whatever??

Just a thought :lookup:

Dave :)
Man, you guys are killing me!  Mark, what's the story my friend?

Delivery Status

You entered 0300 1290 0006 2883 5614

      Your item was delivered at 1:01pm on October 26, 2001 in HALTOM CITY, TX 76117.

Wow, I just realized that this means we're past half way now - Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

:sign:  Dave  :sign:
Alright, how long do I have to wait before I start getting worried?

I know it's only been a couple days, but c'mon, this is MY pass we're talking about here!

Dave  :(
Sorry about the delay my friend.  As I said earlier, if it arrived friday (which it did and in fine shape) it would be monday before it could go out.  Well, a long story short, our trip home didn't occur till today.  Had to buy a new puter chip for the truck and couldn't get it till today.   :(  Man that's gonna hurt the smoke budget.

Here's my T/P:

33 - RyJ Belicoso
48 - HDM LE Oscuro
50 - Partagas Exquisito

57 - LaGloria Cubana Soberanno Maduro
58 - Cuesta Rey Cabinet #1 Maduro (this is probably a '98)
59 - Perdomo 2 Cameroon Fig
60 - Mayorga Churchill

Thanks alot for lettin me play and again, sorry for the day delay.  Pass is gone (today 10/30) and insured, heads up DarrenR
What, you expect me to ready you past posts AND remember them?? ;)
No problem buddy - I just get a little anxious when I don't hear anything for a couple days, apparently even if you've previously explained why.
Nice trades! Thanks for playing. There's always a place for you in my future passes (even if I don't pay attention to your posts)

Dave :lookup:
Hey Darren, hope you're ready it should be there today!

Woo Hoo, I can't wait to get this baby home. Can you tell? :D

Dave :cool:
:) Funny thing I was just looking at the board before leaving work and my wife calls me to say a tag from the mail man is on our door. I for the life of me could not remember what the heck pass that could have been. :0 I guess its this one LOL :p I will pick it up on the way home and send it out in the morning..
This is a nice thing to see. Im up real soon.
Sorry guys If Im not in a more excited mood, Im trying to fight off a pretty serious bout of deppresion- seems as though not much is going my way this week. I kinda feel like a schleprock with the gloomy cloud overhead.

I decided the only place I felt comfortable to share this was here with you guys. I can't quite pinpoint the exact problem it may be a combination of a bunch of them $ and other things.
I will post more later.
I don't know about you, but just saying the word, "schleprock" puts me in a better mood. Go ahead, actually say it, you'll say what I mean. :D :D :D

Cheer up buddy, we're here for ya! :thumbs:

Hey Darren, what're your transactions, my man?

It's getting cloooooooooooser! I think I can smell it already.

Dave :)
Thanks, yeah you are right kinda hard to laugh and be glum at the same time.
Im doing a bunch better today. After part of Allofus123's pass caught fire at my house. Now don't go getting spooked and all. It was a needed fire! (read that post.)
Thanks again for the kind words.
Well, I still don't have the box!!!! I was to late to pick it up on Friday they closed at 5:00 and I didn't make it from work. I called yesterday morning to make sure they had it and they could not find at the officel, they said my mail carrier probably had it and would be trying to deliver it again. He did not deliver it! I will be making a trip to the post office first thing monday to find out what the hell the deal is. I have the ticket saying where it should be so we shall see. Sorry I will have it tomarow! :( ???
bOX IS SAFELY IN MY POSESION!! :) I will post puts and takes tonight and it will go out in the morning. :p