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Give To Your Buddies - Double Box Pass

Alright everyone - it's what you've all been waiting for - the order of the pass.

I've included mailing labels and delivery confirmation for everyone.
I'll post the last 4 digits of the delivery confirmation of the person it is being sent TO (not from) after the name.

All deliver confirmation numbers start with:
0300 1290 0006 2883

Without any further ado....

1) Ryan Powers 5560
2) Bill Orlando 5577
3) Scott Stockton 5584
4) Robert L. Finney 5591
5) Matt Rousey 5607
6) Mark Wilson 5614
7) Darren Rozenek 5621
8) Mike Leahy 5638
9) David Deibert 5645
10) Vern Ham 5652
11) Dave Frank 5669

Each mailing label and deliver confirmation is numbered in the upper-left hand corner of the label.  If they get out of order, just use this list as a reference and slap on the label with the corresponding number.

I'm heading off to the post office now.

Dave :thumbs:
Well this is probably a first.  I said I'd have the package out on Tuesday, and LOW AND BEHOLD - it's Tuesday and I got the package out!!!

Wow, getting it out on time... probably a first for me.
Not that I'd have any right to complain - let's all try and keep our hold times to a minimum to speed things along.

Thanks everyone - I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Dave :sign:
:D :D :D :D :D :D WOOOOOOHOOOOOO I'm first, I'm First I'M FIRST!!!!!! Damn, and if Dave's bombs are anything like his starting lineup I'm in HOG HEAVEN!!!!!! Dang good selection Dave, and as for the rules (both general and etiquite) some should go without saying and ByGod ,it's your pass and you set them how ya' want 'em! ;) Thanks for letting me play!

Vern...got yer e-mail....let the games begin!!!:p :)

I'm drooling and stocking at the same time. Sure glad most of these still have the cello!
Oh man, I see the first problem has reared it's ugly head... I seem to have forgotten Pepe!!!

Just to avoid me forgetting him again - why don't we insert Pepe right after Big Worm.  I'll email Pepes address to Worm, and if you wouldn't mind making up a new label and posting the conf# for Pepe - we can nip this problem in the bud.

Ok with you Worm?

Sorry Pepe!  I don't know what happened.
Dave :(
What's the deal DAVE????:angry: You had something else on your mind BESIDES CIGAR PASSING???????? LMFAO:D :D :D :D Is no problemo Senor! I prolly have Pete addy but send it on anyway, he'll be an easy target for the 'ol Worm-monger!!!!

Later bro,

Thanks for being so understanding BW. I don't know what happened, but suddenly I had a rather upset email from Pete.

Thanks Buddy,
Dave :thumbs:
Ain't no thang but a chicken wang Dave!!! Hey, Pete, hang tight brother, I seem to have of few of those black sticks you like so well!!!! I'll make it worth your while, no worries!!!! :thumbs:

Dave, just send me one box of RyJ Beli's to my address and all is forgiven! :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: LMFAO!!!!!!

Just like Rodney Dangerfield, I get no respect.
First I get left out of the pass, then some reference to an ugly head. hrmpf

I would like to go on record that I understand the excitement of an upcoming marriage could make one forgetful. OK, but I want you to know my wife of 33 years still thinks I'm cute and I do not have an ugly head, even if I sometimes smell of cigars, and snore.

Seriously though, thanks for including me in this cigar pass.
Man, Pepe - I cannot apologize enough. Thanks for being so understanding about this!

Dave ???
Hey Pepe :
Send me an email, I don't want to let Big Worm have all the fun...:D
You know Vern, if you're feeling like you need to have some fun, I could send you my address.....
Oh wait, you're right before me on the pass - you can just hold on to the cigars until then!

:D :D :D
Watch it Vern, he's mine!!!!! :angry: :sign: :sign:


Dave: Congrats on the proposal.
Congrats also on the starting lineup. Looks like it will be
a good pass.

Vern & Worm: What is this "improved system" I am hearing
about? Me thinks there be a conspiracy afoot. As GWB has said,
we can work (or conspire) together
or you can catch the heat from a keyhole whistler right up the ole
wazoo. Info, guys; info.

You know someone could have reminded me to have this moved to the Passes In Progress section... :p

Dave :lookup: