The Hirsch is too old to be VW and it isn't anywhere near the same.
The Hirsch is too old to be VW and it isn't anywhere near the same.
I asked for sources of every rye, most were very elusive and would not disclose their source. Obviously ALL this overaged rye came from only a handful of sources since not many people had that much aged stock. When asked about their sources some offered partial information and that was how I found out Hirsch may have be old VW stock. Bought years ago and held until later bottled as Hirsch. I messaged Julian directly as well as Henry Preiss at that time, but I'd have to dig up all my info to reaffirm my suspicions. I am going off my memory right now and my memory is lousy!
Michters and VW same stuff, huh? Very cool. I'll add that tidbit to my database.
Anyone ever try Templeton Rye? It's made here in Iowa and is about all I see offered as far as rye in bars and liquor stores.
I've been looking for that and Fleischman's rye too. Send me a fifth or liter and I'll pay you for it.
Anyone ever try Templeton Rye? It's made here in Iowa and is about all I see offered as far as rye in bars and liquor stores.
I'll get a bottle out to you Ray. Pay me with a review.![]()
I've never been much of a bourbon fan, the occasional Jack Daniels or Jim Beam shot, but nothing to really enjoy.
After this post I tried out the Jim Beam Rye, and it's like the missing link between all the whiskey's. It hints at all the whiskey styles (except Islay) and is remarkably easy drinking like a smooth Irish or Canadian
Heaven Hill Rye
Rittenhouse Rye 80 proof - available in the US
Rittenhouse Rye 100 proof - available in the US
Rittenhouse Rye 100 proof 10 yr - available Europe
Pikeville Supreme Rye 80 proof - north east US only - limited production
Stephen Foster Rye 80 proof - north east US only - limited production - may not be bottled anymore
Pikeville and Stephen Foster are the same product just different label.
Beam Rye
Old Overholt - not the same as the Yellow label
Yellow Label
R1 - ? Marketing Departments idea probably
Wild Turkey
WT Rye 101
Russels Reserve Rye
Fleischmans Rye - only available in Wisconsin
Barton Brands sold to Buffalo Trace recently - Fleischmans future unknown
Buffalo Trace
Sazarac - 6 yr
Sazarac - Antique Collection - limited release late October each year - 17 years or older
Thomas H. Handy - Antique Collection - limited release late October each year - 6 or 7 years - Barrel Proof and un-chill filtered
Julian Van Winkle
Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye - 13 year old - several extensive post are available on other boards that detail the history of this rye, the Michters rye from several years ago and some of the older BMH bottlings - the rye was tanked about 5 years ago to prevent excess barrel influence - Julian releases limited amounts each year - the bottles carry a letter code and number that identifies the bottling. Julian assures us that he has more rye on the way.
I will have bottles of all but the Fleischmans and Rittenhouse 10 yr available for tasting at the KBF Sampler and the Festival. Stop by and I will set you up with a tasting. Look for the croc at the Gazebo. M if you need directions.
Four Roses recently announced that they have a Rye in the works. ? Barrel proof and un-chill filtered ? Jim, please bottle it straight from the barrel.