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Fruits of Castro's Soil Pass No.1

HdM Regalos 2007
PL Encantos
Partagas PD4
Ryj short Churchill
Light this! said:

All boxed up and ready to go.  I PMed Tom (thinde) to make sure he was ready to receive the pass.  Just waiting on an answer.  Thanks for letting my play TP...
You should be sending to Gary.
I don't think Gary is ready for it - you and Dave should PM him to re-confirm.  :p
2nd guess of the day.

HdM Regalos 2007

PL Encantos

QdO Imperial

Party Short

3 correct and your first guess of the day had one that was very close.
modo22 said:
HdM Regalos 2007
PL Encantos
Partagas PD4
Ryj short Churchill
3 correct.
Light this! said:

All boxed up and ready to go.  I PMed Tom (thinde) to make sure he was ready to receive the pass.  Just waiting on an answer.  Thanks for letting my play TP...
You should be sending to Gary.
I don't think Gary is ready for it - you and Dave should PM him to re-confirm.  :p
2nd guess of the day.
HdM Regalos 2007
PL Encantos
QdO Imperial
Party Short

thechenman said:
Ok... For the ERDM corona de Luxe, I plan to put at Diplomaticos No.3 ($11.92). That is close in price and discontinued for discontinued.

It seems the p/t for the HUP RR seems good.

For the Montecristo Petite No. 2, I propose a put of an SLR DC from '08 ($10.59).

Please let me know if you think this is acceptable.
Dave I need some more info before you ship!
What # HUP RR did you take? What # is the Monte Petite NO. 2 in because I do not have one of those on the list?
Sorry for the brain fart. What can I say...I'm feeble minded. Pass will go to Gary. Sorry for the confusion.

thechenman said:
Sorry for the brain fart. What can I say...I'm feeble minded. Pass will go to Gary. Sorry for the confusion.

read my last post!
HdM Regalos 2007
PL Encantos
HU Mag 46
RA extra el 2011
thechenman said:
Sorry for the brain fart. What can I say...I'm feeble minded. Pass will go to Gary. Sorry for the confusion.
Hell; I wish that was my biggest F/U this week!
HdM Regalos 2007
PL Encantos
HU Mag 46
Trini Ingenios
thinde said:
Sorry for the brain fart. What can I say...I'm feeble minded. Pass will go to Gary. Sorry for the confusion.
Hell; I wish that was my biggest F/U this week!
HdM Regalos 2007
PL Encantos
HU Mag 46
Trini Ingenios
4 correct.
HdM Regalos 2007
PL Encantos
HU Mag 46
Cuaba Salomone