

Jan 11, 2004
Has anyone used deep freezes, fridges, or anything else that is *unusual* to store cigars??? Just curious
I'm building one out of this wine cellar this summer. Not a bad price, pretty sweet storage capacity and just looks good IMO.

Will likely throw a Cigar Oasis in it and call it good.

"Will likely throw a Cigar Oasis in it and call it good."

Forgive me. I have a frigidor roughly this size. What is a Cigar Oasis?

Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me.

M. Gipson :)
Now THAT is one awesome idea!!, an electronic humi!!! I'll have to budget for that one.
In my basement, we used to have two 17 cubic ft chest freezers full of food when my mom used to cook and freeze lots of things. I emptied both of them about a year ago and I gave one away to a friend and the other is just sitting there empty.

I look at it every now and then and think "Freezerdor" as I keep trying to stuff more cigars into my 120 quart coolerdor and my 4 cu ft refrigerdor.

One of these days.............
Yup, commercial Victory Stainless rolling fridgador here thanks to a CP friend. :)

Holds approx 48 boxes. Beads split bottom & middle rack. Fan set on timer. If the 48 boxes aren't enough wood, have bottom and rack lined with cedar strips.
I can get one of these brand new for $250 right now....just don't have the room for it until I move :(

I have an unused fridge on top type refirigerator in my basement I keep thinking I'll use as a frigidor in an emergency if need be.

Nicko99 has a college type fridge he uses as a humidor. He painted it black with a cigar afficinado logo in white on the front of it. Looks pretty dang sharp.
Be careful with condesation build up with the Haier. I know of several people that are using them and all voice that as something to monitor depending how often/hard the compressor has to work.

Yup, commercial Victory Stainless rolling fridgador here.....

Damn Mark, would you believe I know of someone that has another one just like yours? ;)
Here is a LINK to my Fridgador. I also use the Cigar Oasis humidifier. Set it and let it go, I love it.