Friend e-mailed me these cool Cigar Pen Photos


Old School Longboard Surfer
May 7, 2018
Friend is a member of IPT (International Pen Turners), one of the other member does these Faux Cigar Pens.

Artists is very talented IMHO.


Have to admit that is pretty nice. Any chance they sell them online?
I am sure if you go to the International Pen Turner Site, there is a way to contact the members. Funny thing was the guy who is the Pen Turner told me of a member in Switzerland who does some special Japanese Lquure work that sell for 5K a pop in Japan.

All I can tell you is the group is called the International Pen Turners Association. Google is you best friend to find.
I was gonna ask the same thing. Doing an awful lot of "check out this product" posts...
You getting paid?


Always negative Doc, no payment, you should go read the post again.

My freind makes Pens, the Cigar Pen is not his as stated in post #1. So go re-read post #1, and get it right.

Actually the CP member Undegreed post was NUMBER 5, he did link someone else who does similar Pens for sale.
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Well you should be and besides, just checking. You're new. I don't see where it's written, not implied, that you aren't getting paid. Now, we have it in plain English. You do seem familiar with a number of cigar products. You also act like a salesman. It's okay to be a vendor, but you have to post in the appropriate forum and register as such. Although it could be me, your convoluted writing style doesn't help.

Well I have nothing to sell, trade, barter, not I am not a vendor. I honestly thought the Cigar look a lot fountain pen was a very cool idea, also the "art" in the photo was IMHO a very well done photo illustration.

So tell us if you personally Doc like the Pen, the art, the artist created?
I like fountain pens. I own, and use several, both antiques and contemporary. I'm not particularly enamored with this one. It seems like it would be awkward to write with, and that's what it's ultimately for. Once you've filled a fountain pen you're committed to use it regularly.

A lot of people have mentioned the convoluted writing style you're using, so I figure I'll try to help by pointing out what people are referring to here. Maybe this is beating a dead horse, but maybe you just don't see the connection between what you typed and what you thought. I've bolded, underlined, and changed to red the parts that are incomprehensible.

Well I have nothing to sell, trade, barter, not I am not a vendor. I honestly thought the Cigar look a lot fountain pen was a very cool idea, also the "art" in the photo was IMHO a very well done photo illustration.

So tell us if you personally Doc like the Pen, the art, the artist created?

Ok. Here we've got 58 words and a whole host of grammatical errors, misuse of punctuation, misuse of plural forms, random capitalization of non-proper nouns, and a double negative. I have to be honest, it would be hard for me to make this many mistakes in 58 words.

  • There should be a comma after the opening "Well"
  • I think you mean "nor" instead of not, but if that's the case you end up with a different double negative.
  • If you change the first "not" to "and" the sentence makes sense.
  • You've inverted your nouns when you say "the Cigar look a lot fountain pen" when what you mean is "the fountain pen look(s) a lot (like) a cigar"
  • Should be looks instead of look.
  • You need the above "like" between "a lot fountain pen" to make that make any sense.
  • But now you trail off into a separate sentence where I'm not sure what you're saying. You could have just said "I honestly thought the fountain pen looked a lot like a cigar." But somehow you're combining that sentence with "was a very cool idea".
  • Maybe you mean "I honestly thought a fountain pen that looks like a cigar was a very good idea," but based on your wording I have no idea if you think the fountain pen really looks like a cigar or if you just think the idea of a fountain pen that looks like a cigar is a cool idea in general, or if you think the execution of this particular fountain pen/cigar was particularly good. But if that's the case, that doesn't make sense either because you didn't originally post a picture of that particular fountain pen that looks like a cigar. Honestly I'm not sure what you're saying.
  • The comma between "idea, also the "art" in the photo" is incorrect. This needs to be a semi-colon or a period. When you don't do that, it seems like this next idea might also be a part of the first double idea that I couldn't decipher exactly, making the next run on sentence even more confusing.
  • Your best sentence is this last line, as that's the only part of your post that I can actually follow, although I'd add a period before a capitalized "Also" and I'd add a comma after.

I'll stop there. So in your 58 words, I'd have to fix at least 10 things to make it sound like English and even then I'd be nervous that I mischaracterized your thoughts.

This is why people are struggling with your posting. You keep hearing the same things over and over again because you're averaging 10 errors per 50 words. I work part-time in the fiction writing business, and the average after a work has been edited is one error per 50,000 words. And, I'm not trying to be mean, but posting frequency aside, you're spitting out a lot of words and we can only guess at what you're actually thinking.

The reason this place is so great is because we all spend time thinking about what we're saying before we say it, and then we review it to make sure other people will understand what we're saying too. We don't just spit out 58 unedited, unconnected, confusing words and hope people get it.

Edited for formatting issues
A friendly piece of advice as well:

Every one of us who is still here, regardless of stature in the "biz" or years of experience, came in and stepped on our d*cks a little (or a lot) with our first few posts. Advice was given and pride was swallowed and we all learned how to function as a member of this community.

The advice being given to you is not just to give you a hard time, it is the way we do things around here. Nobody cares right now how long you've been smoking cigars for and it means nothing if you cant figure out how to function by the basic principles of this community. Coming in here and trying to give Doc advice and attitude like he's the problem (for example) is not your best move. Don't be that guy who kicks the door in and says "Yeah you guys really have no idea what you're doing around here, so I'm gonna change that." It hasn't worked yet, and probably won't ever.

And come on man, you've been given so many suggestions about how to make your writing better, and yet have shown no sign that you're even trying to take a moment to correct your errors. Next time you go to make a post, stop and read it out loud before you hit post. Literally. Read it out loud. If it sounds incomprehensible it probably is.

Just my 2 cents... Take it or leave it.
I like fountain pens. I own, and use several, both antiques and contemporary. I'm not particularly enamored with this one. It seems like it would be awkward to write with, and that's what it's ultimately for. Once you've filled a fountain pen you're committed to use it regularly.


Well Doc I have not using a fountain pen for over 30+ years, but your correct. I recall having to keep them full of ink, and if not used the ink does dry out. They the fountain pens were awarkwad to write with, but I time you had to learn as they were the inexpensive pens when I was a kid.

As the ball point was a new invention and use to be very expensive. Great point Doc.
A friendly piece of advice as well:

Next time you go to make a post, stop and read it out loud before you hit post. Literally. Read it out loud. If it sounds incomprehensible it probably is.

Just my 2 cents... Take it or leave it.

English teacher approved! ;)

Seriously, this is what I teach my students: reading your own work aloud is the surest, quickest, most effective method available for improving as a writer. Anywhere you stumble over your own words, or get lost in the middle of your own sentence, your reader will stumble or get lost as well. Read it aloud, and keep reading it aloud through your corrections and revisions, until it dances and flows.

There are no shortcuts in good writing, perhaps, but that's the closest thing there is to one.
