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Free Flat Screens

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Official CP Entertainment
Jan 16, 2001
Ok, I found this on another site - it was verified by a person that I trust. Here's how it works, you go to the site, sign up for one of the offers (they're all pretty decent - seriously) and then refer <edit> 8 friends to do the same thing. Once 8 people have completed the offer, you get your flat screen.

I know, it sounds like a pyramid scheme - but this was verified by people that I trust. What have you got to lose?

Get your free flat screen here.

I figure when you sign up, make a post here. Once <edit> 8 people are verified as signing up, someone else (assumedly the first to sign up for me) can start taking the referrals.

I've got one for iPods as well, check out my other thread for that...

Good luck to everyone!

<edit> I just realized I copied the text I used for FreeiPods over for this offer and did not update the number of people necessary. I need EIGHT referrals (not five) for this offer.

Thanks again - I already have 3 people signed up for both offers!!
I just signed up for the free two week trial of dvd rentals thru Blockbuster online.
Got 6 already! Only 2 more to go and I'll remove my link and allow someone else to post there referral code.

Thanks everyone!
All right.. I'll bite. I signed up for the flatscreen.
other1 said:
What exactly are the 'offers'?
There's a variety of offers. Not all the same offers are visible to all people. Here's what trial offers are available to me:
Video Professor
BMG Music Service
Columbia House DVD
eBay Mastercard
Feel Serenity
and the GM Card (credit card)

Hope this answers your question.
Dave ;)
I got the Miracleburn :lookup: I'm sure the pill is a scam, but I'm hopeful the flatscreen offer isn't.
can't you just sign up 8 people you "know"? set up 8 other email addresses and sign up for the same AOL offer and then cancel them next week and get the free tv, then turn around and do the same for each email address and get several more? I like free things. :D
I suppose you could try - but I bet they have a way to catch stuff like that.
If you really want to try that, I'll be happy to setup 8 different forwarding email accounts from one of my many domains for you. Just make sure the first one you sign up for is off of my referral code ;)

Dave :)
Let me retract my last statement. This is off of the iPod site, but it's the same for free flat screens:
1. Referral Fraud

(a) FreeiPods.com reserves the right to screen all referrals for signs of fraud. FreeiPods.com reserves sole decision in determining which referrals are fraudulent.

(b) If fraud is found, the user will have his or her account placed on HOLD and will be unable to use any of his or her credit towards any free product.

1. Common Reasons for Being Placed on Hold

(a) Multiple accounts.

(b) Fraudulent referrals.

&copy; FreeiPods.com has received negative feedback from one of our affiliates.

(d) There is more than one account at a user's shipping address.

(e) Any other reason or a combination of reasons at the sole discretion of FreeiPods.com
I always love how even those people involved in or operating pyramid schemes always deny that it's a pyramid scheme. To this day, even Amway denies the whole notion of pyramid scheme. Maybe it's the word "pyramid" that's upsetting to those running the show (or those suckered in). Ok then, let's call it what it is: a Ponzi scheme. Robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Good luck with this endeavor. Once it's complete, I've got a couple of bridges (one in NY and one in SF) to sell you. :sign: :sign: :sign:
Wow - a full 10% of your total posts are used to bash my idea. I should feel honored.

For those that are willing to try something and have a little faith - I only need one more referral.

As I stated in the iPod thread, if I'm wrong and never receive my flat screen, I will be the first to log on here and officially apologize. However, when I receive my flat screen and post pictures of it, I wonder if you'll be willing to do the same.

You have to figure, let's say - worst case - this is some sort of pyramid scheme. What are you losing? A free trial? Sounds like that's not too much to lose. Ok, let's keep going with theis pyramid scheme idea - are you trying to tell me that you don't know 8 other people that would be willing to sign up with your referral code? Do you not belong to any other boards on the internet? Heck - you can put the link in your email signature! But, I digress - if anyone was going to criticize my quest, I expected it to be Moki. And yet the only things he posted about it were positive. Sure, it was from an online source (Wired Magazine), but this seems like a solid endorsement:
Unless you're extremely gullible, the promise of getting a free iPod from FreeiPods.com looks extremely dubious.

But surprisingly, the site appears to be legitimate. The program almost certainly isn't a dodgy pyramid scheme; it's a new form of online marketing supported by companies like eBay, AOL and Columbia House.
Those are some pretty big names endorsing your so-called pyramid scheme.
In either case - I'll leave the decision up to you. If you want to check it out - sign up. Heck, even if you don't want to try and get your own, but just want to help me, check out one of the free trials.

In any case - thank you very much to the 7 that have already signed up. If I don't get the 8th from here, I'm sure I'll get it elsewhere. I just thought I'd be helping out some BOTL's here with some good information.

Thanks to everyone,
Dave ;)
DaveWF said:
Wow - a full 10% of your total posts are used to bash my idea. I should feel honored.

For those that are willing to try something and have a little faith - I only need one more referral.

As I stated in the iPod thread, if I'm wrong and never receive my flat screen, I will be the first to log on here and officially apologize. However, when I receive my flat screen and post pictures of it, I wonder if you'll be willing to do the same.

You have to figure, let's say - worst case - this is some sort of pyramid scheme. What are you losing? A free trial? Sounds like that's not too much to lose. Ok, let's keep going with theis pyramid scheme idea - are you trying to tell me that you don't know 8 other people that would be willing to sign up with your referral code? Do you not belong to any other boards on the internet? Heck - you can put the link in your email signature! But, I digress - if anyone was going to criticize my quest, I expected it to be Moki. And yet the only things he posted about it were positive. Sure, it was from an online source (Wired Magazine), but this seems like a solid endorsement:
Unless you're extremely gullible, the promise of getting a free iPod from FreeiPods.com looks extremely dubious.

But surprisingly, the site appears to be legitimate. The program almost certainly isn't a dodgy pyramid scheme; it's a new form of online marketing supported by companies like eBay, AOL and Columbia House.
Those are some pretty big names endorsing your so-called pyramid scheme.
In either case - I'll leave the decision up to you. If you want to check it out - sign up. Heck, even if you don't want to try and get your own, but just want to help me, check out one of the free trials.

In any case - thank you very much to the 7 that have already signed up. If I don't get the 8th from here, I'm sure I'll get it elsewhere. I just thought I'd be helping out some BOTL's here with some good information.

Thanks to everyone,
Dave ;)
Ah dear fellow, yet another example of how quoting figures and percentages can be used to make something sound really horrible. 2 posts TO YOUR TWO DIFFERENT THREADS PROMOTING THE SAME B.S., described as "10%" really sounds like a big deal. But, when you cut to the bottom of such bull****, it just amounts to two replies to your two different threads. Well, never let it be said that you didn't try to make it sound grander than it actually was.

Forgive me, but I thought this forum was for the FREE EXCHANGE of ideas, regardless of whether they give you a blowjob of congrats for your idea or whether they think your idea is total bull****. Either way, I would think you'd have thicker skin than to take it so fu'kin personally. More importantly, I would think that this forum would allow someone to voice both sides of a coin, without being accused of lodging some personal attack (which my posts in no way did, but merely pointed out a more skeptical way to think of this). I guess you really were banking on getting the free flat screen and ipod, and perhaps can't stand any voices of criticism. Whatever the case may be, it's over now.

I posted another response to your IPOD thread, so I won't flog a dead horse here. Oh, by the way, what percentage of my cumulative posts does that make now Dave? ;)

Oh, and as for name-dropping as some means of self-assurance, that's a pretty thin argument. We can list countless "big-name" corporations that have been behind far worse pilfering schemes designed to screw over others, ignorning MCI/WORLDCOM and ENRON for the time being.

OH, and to address your twice asked question:

Yes, if you get your flat screen and Ipod, I'll apologize and congratulate you. HOWEVER, I would also expect YOU to apologize to the 6, 8, or 10 people you suckered into this matter if they do not get theirs. For eventually this will collapse, even if you do get your precious new toys. Just keep in mind that it still is important TO THOSE WHO ENTER THE PYRAMID beneath you to get theirs too. Or did that not enter your mind? Nah, as long as you get yours right, then I have to apologize because as long as Dave gets his, all's well. Nice. ;)
Wow - such anger. Sorry if I apparently touched a nerve there. I thought my 10% quote was more humor then anything (btw, it's about 20% now :sign: ).

This is an open forum. If it wasn't, I could have deleted your post and pretended it never happened. But it is open, that's why I responded.

Perhaps you've been stung by pyramid schemes in the past - I have not. I researched this and have seen enough postive information about it that I figured I'd try it and pass it on. If someone below me does not get the necessary referrals, I cannot help them there. If they do get the necessary referrals and don't get there item. Then yes - I will apologize.

Dave ;)
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