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For those who served pass

I think as far as hosting it will be ok. theres enough eyes here to make sure things go smooth.Besides I dont even see any complete rookies on your list.JMO
I don't apply for any of them. Good Luck to all and god speed for the pass.
Okie dokie, this one is locked up. I am on my way out of town for the week end. Look Monday morning for more info. Cheers
ggiese said:
coventrycat86 said:
You don't need a college education for spelling ;) That's usually covered in elementary school.


CC - I don't know if you've seen the quality of what's coming out of the elementary schools lately, but even high school and a fair number of college grads don't have a grasp on grammar and spelling. It's rather unsettling... ???

Unfortunatlely there's more and more of that lately. It seems that many times schools miss the "basics" or "the 3 R's" (reading, 'riting & 'rithmatic) in favor of the BS. Also many schools treat grammar and spellling the way lots of people do around here "What's the big deal, you knew what I was trying to say, stop being so picky and such a pain in the ass 'Grammarian'." or "You'll hurt little Johnny's feelings if you correct his grammar and spelling." PHULLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..............
Oh and if you're including treamayne in this pass, ya better skip the Havanas. Ask psyktek how that worked out for him :0

Something about Department of Homeland Security......
coventrycat86 said:
Unfortunatlely there's more and more of that lately. It seems that many times schools miss the "basics" or "the 3 R's" (reading, 'riting & 'rithmatic) in favor of the BS. Also many schools treat grammar and spellling the way lots of people do around here "What's the big deal, you knew what I was trying to say, stop being so picky and such a pain in the ass 'Grammarian'." or "You'll hurt little Johnny's feelings if you correct his grammar and spelling." PHULLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..............

CC - I believe that is the ignorance and bravado of youth. Once in the work world you ARE judged on how you write. I'd like to see some boss being paid well, put out a memo or business proposal with all kinds of spelling and grammatical mistakes - and then say, "You know what I meant!!!"

I'm am not even close to being the grammarian you are, but it also irks me when I receive memos from supposed professionals that look like they were written by my eight grader. I keep reviewing reports with words like "supeena", "warent", "sherif", "sargent", etc., or the report that is one sentence, three pages long. It hurts my eyes.

One of the best co-workers I worked with was the one who kept correcting me. It was frustrating at the time, but it "tuned" me up. And, as a bonus, I learned the word "perusal" from him (so did our boss, who kept putting things out for "our perusal")!!!

I'm a product of the Catholic school system. I still have the scars on my knuckles from not writing properly. Also, I have a bad knee from Father Nathaniel body slamming me for not doing my math homework properly.

I took college classes many years later and ended up in College Algebra and Trig. During the class the pythagorean theorum came up. The instructor met me after class, not really knowing me personally, and asked if I'd gone to Catholic schools. I was rather stunned at the question and told her, "yes, how did you know?" She said she could tell from my pained expression when introducing the topic. She said she also noticed that with other students who had been through Catholic schools. I guess the smacks on the back of my head from Father Nathaniel while we dutifully repeated "minus b, plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four a c..." was forever engrained in my persona...

Rock on, CC - you keep correcting us. It's for our own good!!!! (whether we like it or not)

BTW Cat - you spelled "Unfortunately" wrong.... :whistling:

(Sorry about the thread jack, emo)
BTW Cat - you spelled "Unfortunately" wrong.... whistling.gif

LMAO, that I did :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Lemme see, I gotta get my book of excuses.......
"It was CLEARLY a typo"
"My fingers inadvertanly hit an extra key"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
My excuse, and i'm sure there are a few here who will vouch. Is that I never really was all that good in the first place do to lack of care and youthfull stupidity(now i'm paying). But what i could do was ruined completely by the military. Everything is abbreviated. To a point where I've seen civilians that cannot even begin to understand what is written on a page. And if you are military and you dont know how to read this alien language, you better learn fast. Im not just talking enlisted people. I mean officers and even agency people.It seems the smarter you are supposed to be the bigger hurry you are in. kinda like doctors chicken scratch.
This is interesting... Thought you'd enjoy!!!
Try reading this . . .

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny
iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The
rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt
ggiese said:
This is interesting...  Thought you'd enjoy!!!
Try reading this . . .

   I cdnuolt blveiee taht I  cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The
   phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan  mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in  waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny
iprmoatnt tihng is taht the  frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The
rset can be a taotl mses and  you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not  raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
     wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I  awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt

The people who design the"Jumble" puzzles in the newspaper know this as well which is why the word you are trying to unscramble NEVER begins or ends with the letters they have in the first and last positions ;)
coventrycat86 said:
Oh and if you're including treamayne in this pass, ya better skip the Havanas. Ask psyktek how that worked out for him

I have replaced those sticks, as best as possible.
(Via pass intercept with KayakinBoy)

It is for that same reason that I volunteered for a Virtual pass up front. Emo and I have already discussed the benefits of a virtual pass, I can request my Takes from the initial list and Pm him my puts. If approved I will send my puts directly to #1 and he sends me my takes directly to me. No risk of the ISOMs clearing customs.

We all learned the hard way that customs gets their share eventually. I was actually impressed that I had oer a year of Passes and Trades before anything was intercepted at all.
Treamayne said:
coventrycat86 said:
Oh and if you're including treamayne in this pass, ya better skip the Havanas. Ask psyktek how that worked out for him

I have replaced those sticks, as best as possible.
(Via pass intercept with KayakinBoy)

It is for that same reason that I volunteered for a Virtual pass up front. Emo and I have already discussed the benefits of a virtual pass, I can request my Takes from the initial list and Pm him my puts. If approved I will send my puts directly to #1 and he sends me my takes directly to me. No risk of the ISOMs clearing customs.

We all learned the hard way that customs gets their share eventually. I was actually impressed that I had oer a year of Passes and Trades before anything was intercepted at all.

The unbanded cigars were ok ;)
Trade with Treamayne just send ISOMs without bands :thumbs:

Enough grammar crap in my thread. Gitchr own thread for that crap. The only posts remotely on topic was the on about reading military lingo. Which was actually pretty funny.

CC, you are banned from making and grammar or spelling correction in my pass thread throughout its entirety! :p
emodx said:
Enough grammar crap in my thread. Gitchr own thread for that crap. The only posts remotely on topic was the on about reading military lingo. Which was actually pretty funny.

CC, you are banned from making and grammar or spelling correction in my pass thread throughout its entirety! :p

Screw you :laugh:

Be nice to me or I won't send you any Havana DC bombs ya fock :D Are you home long enough to receive "presents"?
emodx said:
CC, you are banned from making and grammar or spelling correction in my pass thread throughout its entirety! :p
Mil Translation:


The CPG will CnD from future Tng Ops for the duration of CurSked Pass. All CPG Ops will cont. in any add'l threads.



Smile if you understood that, PM me if you didn't <grin>.
Treamayne said:
emodx said:
CC, you are banned from making and grammar or spelling correction in my pass thread throughout its entirety!  :p
Mil Translation:


The CPG will CnD from future Tng Ops for the duration of CurSked Pass. All CPG Ops will cont. in any add'l threads.



Smile if you understood that, PM me if you didn't <grin>.
:whistling: Hey Bill, I would believe you would send me a couple DC's if that werent your favorite size. LOL
Okie dokie, PM's have been sent out. Please PM if you did not receive an email. I hope to get this out by tomorrow afternoon. I'll post line up and cigars soon...

If there still room and this is still open, I'd like to be in your pass. I fall under category 4, I think......... :D :cool: :p :thumbs: :whistling: