I guess it's because of how I grew up, but I am NOT a city person. I prefer the small towns and villages. I love the green hills and "you have to drive 30 minutes to get anywhere!" lifestyle. However, every time I go back to visit in NEPA, I realize it is not a place I would ever want to settle down. It just seems to me that as progress begets progress, and towns and cities expand, the human mentalities do not keep pace. Many I interact with up there still live like (and want it to be) it is 1990. Therefore, to me, there is nothing there. It sounds like I'm slagging on the people, which, I don't mean to be. I just find the area I'm from to be very negative. Whether I'm talking to family, friends, old teachers, cashiers at the store, restaurant employees, cops, strangers I meet at the gas station, whoever... It just seems that there is always a reason why whatever progress that is happening is bad, and everything is always someone else's fault. Could be very different in the SW corner, I don't know. All I do know is that I can't go back to my area for any length of time.