Fire Destroys Two Arturo Fuente Tobacco Warehouses


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Canadian
Sep 12, 2009
An early Tuesday morning fire burned down two large tobacco warehouses of Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia., the manufacturer of Fuente Fuente Opus X and Arturo Fuente cigars.

Read the article here:

If anyone else has watched the AF DVD "An American Dream" you would remember this is not the company's first tragic fire.

Hopefully this doesn't signal a rise in pricing for my favorite sticks. :0
Sad is right. You just can not replay aged leaves. Wonder if you will see this when certain lines have a price increase? Thanks for finding this article.
The loss is sad news, but I cannot imagine that they will have a price increase due to this. Does that mean once they are back on their feet, the price will decrease? JMHO