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Finally the day has arrived...

That looks like it's going to be fun to break in! It must look strange in your apartment among the other furniture. Now all you need is a leather sofa and chair and nice mahogany desk and entertainment center. Congrats on the humidor. I look forward to "seeing" it!
Looks great!

There are a lot of folks around here who are truly deserve things like this, and you sir are one of them.

Congrats on the purchase and even better that it was kept "in house."

Nice humi Loren!

I'm sure that thing will be full in no time!
Especially with the buying tear someone has been on :whistling: !


Nice score...congrats and best of luck with that.

Anyone else here ever buy the avallo humidification system?

I was curious about it and was thinking of adding it to a big cabinet I am converting over to a humidor at the end of the year.I would like temp controle but I'd have to modify the cabinet to get better insulation and doing so on the doors would make them much thicker.Still figureing things out and working on aquireing more spanish cedar.

Thanks in advance
Well thanks for all the replies. Its really a nice change to get into the hobby that I have been so passionate about for nearly 10 years. I will update some pictures as this monster gets fill which wont take long for me to accomplish. :D
ok...by popular demand here is a update of what the humidor looks like right now. The top 4 boxes are full and the rest are empty. Why you might ask. Because the sticks that go in them are in my normal humidor and my lockers at the B&M till I get my Avallo humidification unit in.


And yes, more boxes still coming. :whistling:
Wow Loren I just sawt his! That is a heck of a humi! :thumbs: Congratulations!

Well done Loren! It was only a matter of time before it was you turn!
I got my Avallo system in today while i was at KC. Looks like another piece of technology that I am going to get my ass kicked by. So I should have it installed tomorrow some time as I figured out what I need to do. Just means a lot of box moving and what not. :(
damn that's sweet... very nice setup. I'm sure you'll get it figured out!
Ok all...The Avallo Humidification unit is completely installed. It came with some plastic clips to put the wire in and then ya nail them in the humidor. I didnt like that idea at all so I went with this double sided stick tape that can hold upto 2 lbs. Sure it isnt pretty but it sure beats holes inside the humidor.


Above picture is a close up of the Avallo Accumonitor for 10 to 20 square feet of space.


Above picture is my ghetto set up in how I will have it. I will probably organize the bottom better but for now, it works just fine as I have enough space for cigars still.


Above picture is it all set up and the door closed.

The system works like a champ and the humidor is awesome. Has a nice seal and with the system, I dont have to worry any more. Just glad I have something like this to fill up now. Enjoy... :thumbs:

So again thanks to Rod for selling me the humidor and Tone-ny directing me to the Avallo system. :D
Glad it all worked out. Looks very nice. I'm going to be getting one of these humi's soon, have to finish making room for it though. It sure is a nice piece of furniture.
Wow. That is the nicest looking 3000 count humidor I have ever seen. Very nice purchase! :thumbs: I have the cheaper version. They work great!
Loren nice set up!

Now you have to do a little better job of cable management there. I may have to come over and supervise the placement of the canisters and wiring. This may take several days while I accomplish this. Part of my services include the ascertainment that your inventory is at the propper humidty level over a period of days or weeks. I am also told that the Avallo system is best verified while drinking single malt of various ages and regions of the old sod. :thumbs: