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Feast of Uppsala Contest Thread~

You'll have to forgive me but this is from memory. There was this group of Vikings known as the Berserkers who went to battle high on mushrooms. Because the mushrooms they ate were not full metabolized, they saved their urine and drank that when the mushrooms were not in season.

Techno-Viking FTW!!!!



You'll have to forgive me but this is from memory. There was this group of Vikings known as the Berserkers who went to battle high on mushrooms. Because the mushrooms they ate were not full metabolized, they saved their urine and drank that when the mushrooms were not in season.


Magic mushrooms is ONE theory, but your memory is conflating Berserker with Saami shamans in Finland---the Amanita Muscaria they use is poisonous to humans, but reindeer can break it down . . . so they feed the mushrooms to their reindeer, then drink the reindeer piss to go astral project/see visions.

Yeah. You kinda hafta wonder how they figured THAT out, and who was the first person to think it'd be a good idea. :confused:

But Berserkers were definitely a thing. In the Sagaic Lore, which was written quite some time after the Viking Age, they worked up a head of steam by biting their shields. There's a Berserker among the Lewis chessmen:


The thing I always find most crazy is that the Vikings had actually sailed across the ocean and landed in areas of Canada and elsewhere in North America. Like.. at a time when the best seafarers were the Polynesians and mostly they just island hopped. I mean, there's a rule in the ocean. You don't know fear until your boat is shorter than the height of a wave. And these guys basically navigated ocean waters in oversized canoes. Nuts.
What I find most interesting about Vikings is that they never existed.
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What I find most interesting about Vikings is that they never existed.

You might want to take that up with King Charles the Unready of France, who gave my ancestors the northern part of France to stop sacking Paris. :cool:

But "Viking" is a verb, not a noun: it's an occupation, not an ethnicity. One isn't "a Viking," one goes "a-Viking."

You might want to take that up with King Charles the Unready of France, who gave my ancestors the northern part of France to stop sacking Paris. :cool:

But "Viking" is a verb, not a noun: it's an occupation, not an ethnicity. One isn't "a Viking," one goes "a-Viking."


So France doing the BOHICA dance goes way way back....lol
The thing I always find most crazy is that the Vikings had actually sailed across the ocean and landed in areas of Canada and elsewhere in North America. Like.. at a time when the best seafarers were the Polynesians and mostly they just island hopped. I mean, there's a rule in the ocean. You don't know fear until your boat is shorter than the height of a wave. And these guys basically navigated ocean waters in oversized canoes. Nuts.
Viking longships have since been discovered to be marvels of naval architecture. Their shallow drafts allowed maneuverability and access to shallow waters that other ships couldn't quite do.

You might want to take that up with King Charles the Unready of France, who gave my ancestors the northern part of France to stop sacking Paris. :cool:

But "Viking" is a verb, not a noun: it's an occupation, not an ethnicity. One isn't "a Viking," one goes "a-Viking."

The Normans IIRC... old Willy the Conqueror was more Scandinavian than he was French. Descended through King Rollo, I think.
That's us. Furore Normannorum and all that. :D

My family's in the 1180 CE Great Roll of Normandy. French pastries don't keep Vikings to home like they should!

Anniversary day! Alright BOTL . . . let's say, three more days to make/like posts and then I'll close this sucker out, pick a winner, and send out my Feast of Uppsala contest package.

Remember that one of the entry categories is "three most liked," so help me out here. Show some love.

Come on people... give post #14 some likes! Viking Kittens! On a kitty sized longship! While getting the Led out!
So . . . here we go. :D

For three most liked:

jbfurdog and his Thor joke, with 5 likes, post #6.
Corneighdo and his Valhalla post, 3 likes, post #2
tone-ny and Fenrir, also with 3 likes---one of them was mine, which wouldn't count except I needed a tie-breaker, as many posts had 2 likes---post #9

Most Scholarly: Johnny B, post #17. Footnotes and works cited on CigarPass? Awesome!
Most Unusual: grateful1, post #12, Nordic Big Smoke. Cool read.
Funniest: MX, post #22. Techno-Viking!

My three favorites of those remaining:

mjolnir01, post #14, Viking Kittens FTW!
bfreeburn, post #10. Family stories and DOGS, man. :)
CMontoya79, post #26, link to Skraeling article. Really good stuff.

Now I just need my grandniece Cloey Zen to get all heathened up for the occasion:


And draw the winning slip out of my Viking helm:


Naw, I'm kidding. I'm going to use a random selection app online. :rolleyes:



The random picker thingy chose . . . . bfreeburn, post #10. PM me your addy and your Uppsala sacrifices will be on their way this weekend!

Thanks to all who participated! Let me leave you with . . .
The Saga of Bjorn.

Congrats to the wiener! Thanks for putting this interesting contest on.
Fun contest. Thanks for putting it on. Congrats to the big weiner. Errr, I mean winner. :D
Super fun contest

Whoa, I won something? Who knew.

I'll PM you shortly, thanks again for the contest!