Time to pull a Jerry's Springer's Closing thoughts...
We as a community, although jovial and relaxed for the most part, enjoy some aspects of the good life bound by cigars. We all come from different backgrounds, different cultures, different understandings, but respect each other as brothers and sisters in this circle of the leaf. I'm sure many of us don't want to admit fault, no matter how it appears to ourselves and our peers, but each and every one of us is obliged to protect one another from those who wish to do harm to our way of life. Failure to do so will only give strength to those who prey on us and our love of the leaf. Know yourself, know your brethren, know your sources, and learn from our mistakes to forge a stronger bond between fellows of the leaf.
I hope NERF 09' as well as all future herfs will incorporate these cheesy ideals for a more mutually beneficial environment to all those involved.