Devil Doc said:
It's no small wonder, and quite predictable I might add, that whenever the Red Sox win ANYTHING more than the Yankees after a season...their fans get out their step ladders, climb up on their little soapboxes, and yell out...'look at us!' Why?'re World Series Champions for God's sake! Enjoy it!
But the question is always the same...WHY are the Red Sox fans so enamored with what the Yankees are doing? As Yankees fans, we don't give a flying sh*t what the Red Sox do. Why not try singing THEIR own virtues & successes? Instead they attempt to put the Yankees down...why?... to make themselves feel good so they can sleep better at night knowing the Earth is flat?
Or could it be...
1) Little brother syndrome?
2) Still pissed about the Babe Ruth fiasco? That they traded away the Father of Modern Baseball and that he wears a Yankee uniform instead of a big red B?
3) Feelings of 'whatever they accomplish, it'll never measure up to the Yankees rich history?'
4) Screaming for attention that they won the World Series and still take a back seat to the Yankees in the offseason whenever a Yankee farts?
5) They have more money to spend on their team to satisfy their loyal fans?
6) New York is the cultural center of the World and Boston is...uh, well, it's Boston. You know, the place where the second best clam chowder comes from.
7) Or is it simply jealousy?
What amazes me is they act like this is their money and all fans in Boston are General Managers managing a payroll. I get the whole 'lunch pail, we grow beards like working class people do, mentality'...but who cares?...enjoy being the Champions!
Well, your guess is as good as mine...but there is definitely a pattern here. Didn't hear a peep out of them last year. :whistling:
So, while you Red Sox fans are all closely monitoring the Yankees' payout on their luxury taxes, and thank you for your genuine financial concern by the way, maybe this is why the Yankees don't care about a few measly million dollars...
Boston Red Sox
Team Value
$1.312 B
Team Value calculated March 2013
New York Yankees
Team Value
$2.300 B
Team Value calculated March 2013
Forbes don't lie baby!
jfields said:
I just want to see how Gary tries to break it down... :laugh:
There know me all too well!