Elitist Fog's

Lumberg said:
coventrycat86 said:
Rod is a man with honesty, integrity, intelligence and a sense of fairness that you don't find very often in people.
Yeah but does he have a gold medal from the Olympics!?!?!? HUH?
No, but Leebo told me he has a gold ring he uses for his Prince Albert. :0 :0 ;) :sign: :sign:
Matt R said:
Lumberg said:
coventrycat86 said:
Rod is a man with honesty, integrity, intelligence and a sense of fairness that you don't find very often in people.
Yeah but does he have a gold medal from the Olympics!?!?!? HUH?
No, but Leebo told me he has a gold ring he uses for his Prince Albert. :0 :0 ;) :sign: :sign:
:0 Now that's obscure (and kinky)! :sign:
OK First of all most people in this thread know that Allofus123 and I have had our issues. That's over with.
We've had issues? huh? Are you refering to the advocating of using antifreeze in your humidor or stealing priority boxes from the PO? You may have had "issues" on those subjects but I surely did not. ROFLMAO! BTW, my original question still stands.
Allofus is being openly belligerent and baiting.
Belligerent? Baiting maybe but not belligerent. The bait was casted for all those that the shoe fit and quite obvious it fits a lot of people here. I've seen a lot of crying by those that it seems to fit most. Maybe you'd like to answer the question that was asked? My question still stands.
then Allofus comes back with a biting, sarcastic, negative comment. Still directed in no-one in particular.
ROFLMAO.... you have got to be kidding? Are you refering to the "that would be a stretch" post? I stand by that statement. You may think post padding is someone putting in their 2 cents but I certainly don't and I said so. BTW, my original question still stands.
Then Allofus (to me at least) goes the classless route and makes a nasty (albeit smiley-punctuated) comment.
Interesting, PB's comments punctuated with smilies are a joke but mine are classless and nasty? BTW, my original question still stands.
At that point PB gets his hackes up and starts defending himself.
You think he was defending himself? From What? That has got to be the funniest thing I've heard here. BTW, my original question still stands.
Allofus keeps saying to keep the topic on topic. Well what exactly was the point of the thread in the first place? It seemed to me like an ill-disguised attack on certain memebrs of the board.
Bingo.... stay on subject, after all, I started this post asking a question that a lot of people felt they could hijack the thread in another direction. If you need the point of the question explain to you........ its not worth my time.
As far as an "attack on "certain members"...... you have a very big imagination. Noone was mentioned on this thread. Some people seem to be a little more paranoid than others. BTW, my original question still stands.
And Allofus doesn't exactly seem like a peacemaker, at least from what I've seen in my short time on the board.
Sounds great, you've been here what, 30 days or so and you think I'm a trouble maker? ROFLMAO! Actions speak a lot louder than exchanges of words. My actions speak for themselves, as does yours. Mine do go back just a wee bit more than 30 days or so. Coming from someone that advocates stealing from the post office is enough for me to dismiss the comments. BTW, my original question still stands.
I know I'm a newbie and I probably don't know the whole history. But from a relatively objective standpoint, that's what it looked like to me.
You start out this post stating that you and I have had "issues" before and you end it with you having an "objective standpoint"? ROFLMAO! If you would just take the first sentence in this last quote and take out the word "probably" you could have summed up your whole post in one sentence.

Good grief,

BTW, my original question still stands.
Allofus123 said:
BTW, my original question still stands.
Dammit Kenny, if I told you once, I've told you a thousand times, I prefer KY jelly over the scented Astroglide.
Matt R said:
Allofus123 said:
BTW, my original question still stands.
Dammit Kenny, if I told you once, I've told you a thousand times, I prefer KY jelly over the scented Astroglide.
But have you tried Platnium Wet yet?


Threadjack over. :sign:

Matt R said:
Dammit Kenny, if I told you once, I've told you a thousand times, I prefer KY jelly over the scented Astroglide.
Damn Matt, all you had to do was ask......
Damnit Kenny!!! This isn't even the thread that your "Original question" was posted in. Quit thread jacking SC's thread. Start a new one and let's see if anyone "Get's it" yet. :p

Hmmm...I wonder who has graduated and who needs to go back to school? :lookup:
Uh... Kenny,
What was the question?
Buwhahahahahahaha. UDAMAN.
But really: What was the question?

In Lumberg's defense, I think he's a good guy. The anti-freeze thing was way over the top but I don't mind pinching a box or two from the PO. Now everybody play nice or I'll stop this car.

In Kenny's defense, I know he's a good guy. But... well... it all started when he was 7 years old and he wanted 2 pieces of toast but only got one. I consider the story that he then pee'd in the bread bag a vicious rumor started by those who wish to discredit him. Don't believe it.

Geez, I just pulled the biggest chunk of stuff out of my left ear that I have ever seen. Gotta save this one.

SamClemmons said:
.......it all started when he was 7 years old and he wanted 2 pieces of toast but only got one. I consider the story that he then pee'd in the bread bag a vicious rumor started by those who wish to discredit him. Don't believe it.
Believe it, that was just a big rumor started by my little brother for telling on him about the playboys under his mattress. Really, I mean it, I wouldn't buffalo you...seriously!

PS - in my brother's defense, I planted the playboys there.
SamClemmons said:
ROFLMFAO.... I love this site, something is seriously wrong with me.
Just as I suspected. This ain't no bulletin board. This is frickin' group therapy! :p Shadow is the only one of this group that is sane, and that's because he checks himself into the nuthouse every so often for a tune up! :sign: :D :D
I like the blue font, it's so calming. AAHHhhhhhhhhhh.........
SamClemmons said:
ROFLMFAO.... I love this site, something is seriously wrong with me.
Just as I suspected. This ain't no bulletin board. This is frickin' group therapy! :p Shadow is the only one of this group that is sane, and that's because he checks himself into the nuthouse every so often for a tune up! :sign: :D :D
Gotta raise the bull**** flag my friend! :sign:

Shadow is the only one of this group that is sane..........
BACCHUS, you just ruined my impression of you being the epitomy of truthfulness....... ROFLMAO! :p :D

Bill's crazier than most of us...damn privacy act keeps us from getting the good stuff on him. :0 ;) :)
SamClemmons said:
ROFLMFAO.... I love this site, something is seriously wrong with me.
Just as I suspected. This ain't no bulletin board. This is frickin' group therapy! :p Shadow is the only one of this group that is sane, and that's because he checks himself into the nuthouse every so often for a tune up! :sign: :D :D
Bacchus - No fair editing. I said ****e or shyte not "site". Hmmph... as if.

Man I am running out of popcorn. Okay guys wait a minute so I can go get some. :0