Being a newbie and all I'm going to post my unsolicited 0.02. I lurked on both here and "that other board" for awhile trying to decide which I liked better. Guess what? I decided on here and this is why. The passes on here were better run and people seemed to really be stand-up guys (and gals). Just an impression I got. The threads were entertaining yet full of useful information. I've had some great laughs and received some great advice/knowledge from many on this board. :thumbs:
Now, I read this thread and all hell has broken loose! Guys ragging on each other, flaming, etc. I expect that on the other board but not here.

I know many of you were involved in the pass that this person screwed up on. I am sorry for that and hate to see things like that happen but they do. I also understand the good intent of going to the other board and warning people about this guy. At the same time I ask myself "What's the point"? It's
their board and
their pass. If they get screwed by allowing someone in it that no one can vouch for that's their own fault. Same thing here. Seems to me this guy was let into a pass when no one had any real information or background (trades, etc.) on him.
As I was told when posting a stupid idea from another board on CP: "Let them have what's theirs and we will have what's ours." I took this to heart and I think the same applies here. From the looks of it the admins over there are jerks and don't want to hear it. Fine. Don't warn them next time if (and hopefully it won't) it happens again here. The guys address is known so we know to watch out for him in the future.
I may have no business getting into this thread (and probably don't) but the tone this has set to the boards is discouraging.
Flame-suit on...