El Segundo and NYC (try 2 after last thread gone)

I don't have one other than my car cup holder one. Leaving Chatsworth now. Should get there sometime tonight, lol.
Great time getting together with all of you guys, real treat herfing like that midweek at such a chill location.
'Till next time.
Thanks for coming out guys, next time we will bring some earmuffs or something for the waiter
Yep, just getting to sfo now. Leaving Thursday but any other night is good
I a 60% maybe I'll see you guys. I have a big project due on the 14th. Can we make same as the last time--hilton garden inn?
I'm fine with that, as long as we bring a full parka for our waiter...
Fine on my end, may need to start a few minutes later so I can grab food first though
DAMN IT. I just got told I'm off to New Orleans for a week Wednesday.................  :angry:
I'm a "maybe" pending my work schedule. Hopefully I can make something work. Later in the evening is better for me too.
Anyone around next week? Could do Tuesday or Wednesday...