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El Dentes

I got one too. I'f like one of those informative PM's too. It came in a ziplock instead of a cello, and has some sort of gibberish written on the ziplock ;)

But, I would still like that informational PM as to the pedigree of this band.

M. Gipson
I think someone should lock this thread. :lookup:
other1 said:
I think someone should lock this thread. :lookup:

There ya go, trying to trample all over our civil rights and against the First Amendment right to free speech and, and, and............ ah I fergit.

Shame on you Jason :D

I'm curious too about the origins of this cigar. Could someone PM me about the details of it
I guess we just figured it wouldn't be a big deal when discussed by PM like that thread from 2003 said.
I'm with Wascal on this one. I think we need to stop talking about this out in the open. And IMO, commenting on it, then asking for a PM, is out in the open. ???
Maybe it's time for a threadjack to discuss copying and trading copyrighted movies & software in order to get the desired result...

:lookup: :(
As the original poster of this thread I'm asking that it be locked.

Sorry if I opened a can of worms here, it was not my intent.
For Sale:

Grey market DVD+ of George W. Bush, John Kerry and the Pope's love tryst.

Please, PMs only! ;)
It's Italian I tell you, It comes from where they throw the spaghetti at the wall and if it sticks they call it El Dentes.

Some one had to say it :D