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Edumacation please


Not now chief, I’m in the F**kin zone.
Sep 13, 2006
I got these about 2 years back from a Duty Free shop in Mexico. After seeing all of the posts and reading articles about fakes, I think its fair to assume that these may be imposters. I did a little research and cant decide one way of the other, so I bring them here today before the court of CP.com for a verdict. Whatever the outcome, I will enjoy these as they smoke very nice. Thanks in advance for your time and expertise! I look forward to the education.


First the Cohiba's.









Almost impossible to tell from the pictures but based on where you said you bought them from, I'd say there's a 99% chance they are fake.
I'm gonna go on the other side of the fence and say those Sig's look pretty damn legit to me. But then again, that's just based on reading online.
I'm no expert by any means, but I'm going to have to go with CC based on the source. Packaging and bands look legit though.
I'll come over and smoke one with you! Even some counterfeits are not bad smokes. :D
It's impossible to tell. The appearance of the packaging including the band is quite good. I'd say indistinguishable from genuine specimens I've seen. Even the cigar looks quite well made, but then so was Zee's nasty tasting Sig VI. However, as Ccat stated, the purchase location weighs heavily against their being authentic. I'd say it's not impossible that they ar authentic. Just unlikely.

I would smoke one or have someone familiar with it smoke one. In this case, I'm not volunteering because I simply have too much project work at the moment.

Wilkey can you comment on what appears to be five caps?
Wilkey can you comment on what appears to be five caps?

Good catch. Anthony. I lightened up my monitor and took a closer look. Although fuzzy, it looks like multiple "caps" but then one or two of those might be creases in the cap leaf. Authentic cigars can have the appearance of up to 4 "caps" based on my admittedly limited experience. Here are some examples I came up with. Keep in mind that there are not really 3 or 4 pieces of cap leaf. There is only one flap or vuelta that is wrapped around the head. I have not seen 5 "caps" but certainly 6 would be very suspicious. Again, it's not possible to make a confident determination based on the pictures provided.

Here is a picture of several large Bolivars.

Here's a Bolivar and a Saint Luis Rey DC.

Here's pair of Ramon Allones Gigantes.

I have some Sig II's in similar packaging, and since we are doing the newbie thing, if you want to send me one, I will make the comparison and include one in the newbie package for you. Just lemme know before I send the package which should be today.
I have some Sig II's in similar packaging, and since we are doing the newbie thing, if you want to send me one, I will make the comparison and include one in the newbie package for you. Just lemme know before I send the package which should be today.

Very cool of you gar. Nice heads up play.

I have some Sig II's in similar packaging, and since we are doing the newbie thing, if you want to send me one, I will make the comparison and include one in the newbie package for you. Just lemme know before I send the package which should be today.

Very cool!

And judging, just from the pictures without knowing the source country, they look legit. I've seen that "5 cap" on legit siglos, like Wilkey said its just over-lapping. If they are fakes, they are damn good ones.
Based on my travels, unless you are shopping from a reputable shop which are few and far between in Mexico, anything else is fake until proven otherwise. But I have to agree with others. The pictures are hard to judge and they look pretty authentic. I guess the taste test is the ultimate probe.
PS I would be able to do the same with the Monte 3 if you want.
Ok, package received and package sent, you should have it today. Since we both have one of each of the cigars we are testing pictures can be posted for comparison. I will be able to do that this weekend. Next come the reviews to go with the pictures.

I must say that the cigars received look pretty darn good, but I haven't done a side by each yet. They are resting in the humi and that comparison will be done this weekend.
Packaging looks legit. Duty Free in Mexico is hit or miss.
Ok, here are the side by each comparisons.

The cigars Jonas sent look very good, right size, triple caps, comparable bands and nice wrappers. In fact the Sig II he sent looks better than the one I chose to compare with even though the foot was slightly cracked which could have been due to shipping or handling.

Taste test to follow.