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**** Edicion Limitada ****

WOW! 35 pages since this morning :0 I can't believe I still have some bumper stickers left to post :D

Sorry Devin.
I can't keep up and I have given up trying, as slow as my tired old 56 K modem is, I wouldn't have any time to smoke a cigar if I tried.
I think it's time for a new computer and DSL.
I will keep checking in from time to time. :p
Whew... I'm done.. LOL! :D

Brother Vern... I know what you mean! The number of posts on this thread is incredible! If not for my cable modem I'd give up too :p I think DSL or Cable is the way to go Vern... now hurry and order it so you can get back to your Climmax-ing! LOL!

Aloha Bro...

Me too, I give up. Not enough time or energy. :( Been a rough week and it's only Tuesday. ???