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:) :D :p :0 :cool: :love: :thumbs: :) :p :0 :thumbs: :love: :D :cool: :thumbs: :p :) ;) :love: :cool: :D

Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!!
Congrats Mark........ (and me...hehe!)

Don't worry, I don't drink much.... :cool: I think I have just the smokes to bring up for this brother Mark. ;)

Congrats again bro......
the winner must be present in the chat room for 1st and 2nd!

:)  :D  :)  :D  :) Grand Prize Winner!!!  :)  :D  :)  :D  :)

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

I have to say before I give this prize away, that this man had two very incredible pictures, but no way was I going to mail out both the Opus maduro, and the 1994, to just one person. My contest, my rules...LMAO :D

So, lets not waste time!

Drum roll................................


a lot more.........................................

ok, a little more.............................


:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  Arrow and Fire/Deer  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

                                      Posted by, Pete

Congratulations, Pete!!! One, Forbidden X maduro, on it's way out to you! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
WTG Pete :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

and anuther Muchos Gracias to Devin for a grand contest!
Thank you gentlemen!

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

It has been a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Pete..... I agree with Devins choice. Great Pic....

Again I'd like to congrat all the winners and one hellofa thank you to Devin for such a great contest.
Ditto on Kenny's words.

This was just too cool for words! Congrats to everyone and a big thanks to Devin!!!
Definately, Devin, you sure throw a hell of a party!

This was a hoot! Thanks Rod for letting us play, bro!

Way to go Pete!

:thumbs: :sign: :thumbs: :sign: :thumbs: :sign:
Congrats go out to all the winners and all who participated. And a great big thanks goes out to Devin for having a great contest and prizes. And thank you Rod for allowing us to pollute the board with some fun pics. :thumbs: :sign: :thumbs: :sign: :thumbs: :sign: :thumbs: :sign:
Oh bro thanks very much! I am in shock!! Forbidden X....cripes man that is too much. Very much appreciatred my friend. And thanks to you guys as well! :)

Looking forward to 6 weeks from now!! :0

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Absoulutley un friggin believable!

Congrats to all the winners. Devin your awsome my friend!
Thanks for the kind words!

To all those that posted a picture, and did not win one of the 13 prizes, please email me with your addy. I will mail out something from the island. Thanks!!!

(Please put, "CP Contest" in the subject area)

I need addy's for:


Thanks again!!! :)

Back to the pass, if I can find it. ???  :D