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**** Edicion Limitada ****

Friend of mine sent me these.... the first thing I thought of was Devin's EL pass :)






:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:

OK! Now how do I get the coffee out of my key board! :sneaky: :p
Michael, please feel free to run number four... ;)

We can always do the fifth. :)
Devin my good friend ...

After the show you put on for EL III :0 !


Besides... That's why I busted my ass to do EL II !

I knew following you Sir ... would be like a garage band coming on stage after the Rolling Stones! :D

But I have faith in MattR and CO. to put up a valient effort none the less!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I can't believe CohibaSurfer hasn't posted yet.... :laugh:
All I have are 2 year old LaStinkas.......... :whistling:
At the risk of opening a can of worms...

I looked back at this pass a bit since it was before my time. It looks like quantity for quality plays were allowed? Frankly for most people to get in on a pass like this that's probably the only way they could go. Just curios.

Leebo8-9-8 said:
I can't believe CohibaSurfer hasn't posted yet.... :laugh:
You misunderstood my referrence to CS posting. It has nothing to do with puts and takes.... ;)
other1 said:
At the risk of opening a can of worms...

I looked back at this pass a bit since it was before my time. It looks like quantity for quality plays were allowed? Frankly for most people to get in on a pass like this that's probably the only way they could go. Just curios.

I wasn't in the pass either (also well before my time).

But go ahead and finish opening the can. What play or plays in this pass would you describe as quantity for quality? Are you sure the play wasn't an increase in both quality and quantity?

- Oak