Thanks for making such great cigars, JD. I can't think of anything that I have tried from your operation that I have disliked. There were a few of the ACIDs that I have been "meh" about, and I'd put the Isla del Sol's as "OK", but the Javas and Tabak Especial lines are great! I've really enjoyed all of the Natural line (especially the Dirt Torpedo) and the CI Legends Copper Label is an amazing value. The one Undercrown I tried was a little overwhelming for me on an empty stomach, but the flavor was amazing. I find myself looking for your products first every time I shop, and maybe filling in with something else as I round out my shopping cart. I look forward to trying the products that I have missed.
And I 100% agree that the Tabak Especial and the Javas are awesome dessert cigars...