I think the key to it is the satisfaction and enjoyment that you get.
Storebought cigarettes provide neither--thats why you smoke so many.
I started to make my own cigarettes using some of the worlds finest tobacco. Also, I keep 6-8 kinds of tobacco around for variety. They are much more satisfying and I started to smoke less because of that. On the make your own discussions, many say it is easier to quit with them than with storebought crap. I think it is because you think about them while smoking, enjoy them more, and your craving is met.
You smoke the nasty store-boughts without thinking, it is just a habit then.
Put a cigar into the equation and the effect is multiplied many times. After a great cigar, I feel no need for a cigarette for hours sometimes.
I enjoy good cigarettes and good cigars and am not trying to quit either. You cigarette guys should look into the make your own thing. I now smoke the best quality for 1/3 to 1/2 the price of store boughts.
They smell totally different, like the pure tobacco they are.