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Devil Doc


Green Horn
Sep 12, 2009
Recently a situation occurred regarding Secret Santa 09 where I contributed what I believed to be helpful information that in hindsight was probably outside my level of knowledge in the CP community. Rather than "watch and learn" I instead attempted to contribute to a matter that did not concern me. When a long term FOG (Devil Doc) told me to leave it to people who knew better I took it as an insult rather than a knowledgeable suggestion. The ultimate result was that I did post some information that was sent through PM, which would have been better left in a non-public setting.

For this I am apologizing. Devil Doc, rather than protest when you asked me to step back from the situation I should have deferred to your longer experience and respected history in the community. You are obviously an experienced BOTL and great FOG and I will remember that in future actions. I will contribute where I can (reviews, locating items, etc) but leave board matters to those more experienced than myself. Doc I come to you with my hat in my left hand and right outstretched.

Thank you to Souldogca24 who helped me to see this in a different light.
Well done. As Jonesy said, alot of newbies in similar situations just end up saying "F you" and such.
Hope you enjoy the time you spend here. It's been the most valuable information resource out there IMHO. Good people here.
Good on you T2P. Everyone on CP sticks their foot in their mouth at some point no matter how long they have been here. Trust me, if someone says different, they are WROOOOONNG. (My best Ron White voice on stage if anyone can place it) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my friend!!


ROLL TIDE!! January 7, 2010
Very good. I see someone who gets it.
Way to take stock of the situation, and make it right. Well done to all involved. Who woulda thought Jon had it in him?
Nothin' else to see here, grab your bats and balls and go home. Man, it's tough being a cop around here and keepin' the streets free and clear....... :D :thumbs: :p

J/k, way to stand up as Melly said, we have all inserted foot one time or another!!!!
Sticky under the title, "How to apologize without qualifications or excuses."

Nicely done, sir!
One of the best and well thought out apologies I have ever seen here on CP. Takes a big man to admit when he is wrong and even bigger to do so in public.
Looks like you're in for the long haul. Good choice! :thumbs: