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Deleting Content Valuable to CP

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It is actually a huge PITA to go back and "heal" these type of deletions. Even with backups, it means merging older content with newer content. I don't envy Rod's task in reviving this material.

Something to consider: some boards let you edit posts only within the first XX hours of posting them, then they become permanent and immutable. I can think of some things that this would make less convenient to do (MMM's reference threads come to mind), but it'd be an option I guess.

It'd be a pain in the @$$ for passes too.

Edit: grammar
I'm having a hard time putting this into the words of a mature adult, but I'm going to try.

Unfortunately every now and then someone that at one point was a well respected contributing member decides to leave our community for whatever reasons. I sincerely hope that in the future if anyone out there who has contributed to this community decides to leave they don't go through and delete their previous contributions. No matter what your beef is, or what happens to lead you to a point where you leave us, please be an adult about it.

[adult speak off] In other words, don't be a whiny punk-ass bitch and delete your old posts, specifically reviews that others may have found useful. You are not doing yourself any favors if you decide to go elsewhere. In your own words, the online cigar community is a small world. [adult speak back on]

Thank you to everyone still here for your consideration in this matter.

edited to add: Sorry, I didn't see your thread Rod. I should really learn that darn search feature! (Ha Gary, I beat you to it!)

I agree... just be a whiny punk-ass bitch and delete stuff in your profile! :cool:
I'm having a hard time putting this into the words of a mature adult, but I'm going to try.

Unfortunately every now and then someone that at one point was a well respected contributing member decides to leave our community for whatever reasons. I sincerely hope that in the future if anyone out there who has contributed to this community decides to leave they don't go through and delete their previous contributions. No matter what your beef is, or what happens to lead you to a point where you leave us, please be an adult about it.

[adult speak off] In other words, don't be a whiny punk-ass bitch and delete your old posts, specifically reviews that others may have found useful. You are not doing yourself any favors if you decide to go elsewhere. In your own words, the online cigar community is a small world. [adult speak back on]

Thank you to everyone still here for your consideration in this matter.

edited to add: Sorry, I didn't see your thread Rod. I should really learn that darn search feature! (Ha Gary, I beat you to it!)

I agree... just be a whiny punk-ass bitch and delete stuff in your profile! :cool:

It sucks that he deleted his content, I think it's the property of the forum because he gained as much from everyone here as we got from him. Between, passes, information, trades and whatnot. The arrogance of Wilkey is in thinking that he was doing everyone a favor with his posts, for nothing in return so when people were "ungrateful" he deleted the content.

Where did he get the idea that the community did nothing for him? That's the arrogance. He was self-consumed and it's a lesson to all of course, although so few here seem that way.

Modifying the forum software to stop deletion is not easy and tends to be a case of the cure being worse than the disease. Even if Rod couldn't restore all his content (seems like he's almost done with that) it will be replaced by better content from newer members over time.

Here's to the community, over the self-consumed individual.
This is just one more bizarre turn.

It seems like the last 6 or 7 months we have been experiencing some growing pains. I think that there has been a funky vibe ever since the Poker and Chat thing went down. It seems that a lot of feathers were ruffled, and it is taking a while for us to come back together. I may be 100% wrong, on the cause but, in my mind that was at least the time frame. I have even found myself wanting to get involved and stir the pot, but I have held my tongue. I have kept quite because I know that there will be someone with more tenure and wisdom that will be able to handle the situation better than I. So that wold only leave me with a "where is the popcorn" post or maybe the "I am rolling my eyes" smiley to post, and to me those are nothing more that troll bait, and I try to be above that.

This is the first place I visit in the morning, and the last before I turn in at night. That is because there are some damn fine S/BOTL here. And one hell of an owner, that we all owe a dept of thanks and gratitude to.

Now to the ppoint of your post Gonz;

I always considered Wilkey a friend, he always treated me with respect, and help me out with a number of issues that he seemed to be most knowledgeable on. I have sat here in disbelief for the past week or so as all this carnage has unfolded before me. But, whatever my feeling for Mr. Wong, they do not skew my perceptions on bit. He was wrong, plane and simple. He had his reasons I am sure, but that does not make them right. It was a slap in the face to everyone on this board, and even more so to those that held him in high regard. I am dissappointed to say the least.

Just my thoughts, probably missed the mark, but I often do.


I agree with you Tim, that this is one more bizarre turn in the world of CP as we know it but I must ask, why bring up issues that have little to do with the situation at hand? I think Rod has stated his position quite clearly with regards to chat and poker. You stating this does nothing but "ruffle feathers" as you stated in your own post. Why kick a dead horse?

As for Wilkey, he is much like a newb in the sense that his "ego was not checked at the door". He approached CP with a sense of entitlement and tried to gloss over a few bad deals. Everyone talks about respect and the fact that it is earned, not freely given here on CP. It's not a post count or how many bombs you send. As with anything in life, your credibility can be torn down by one bad transaction. Or to dumb it down even more, you are only as good as your last deal.

I am saddened as much as the next but Wilkey has chosen his path.

No, no, no.

It was a minimum of FIVE bad transactions and extreme arrogance (refusal to either accept or admit he was wrong).

Nice going, CC - you were the one that started this whole mess... :angry:

I always said Wilkey had them beady eyes... :whistling:
I think he's getting off by us talking about him so much. I can see him in front of his computer, with a bottle of Jergens and some tissue.
If this doesn't earn Wilkey an exalted perch on Moki's scumbag list, I don't know what would. I know a couple of us have sent warning messages to the owners of his last online bastions, International Cigar Club and Friends of Habanos.

I think we owe Wilkey at least this much, anyone who is a member at one of these other boards feel free to pm the administrators voicing your concern about his recent actions. Can you believe Wilkey's actually a moderator at FOH? It looks like he's still active over there, posting as if nothing unusual has happened.
It will be interesting to see how it is handled on the other boards. I can see it going both way's, and people just saying the usual "Oh that's because it was CP and they are jackasses there." But, we shall see.
If this doesn't earn Wilkey an exalted perch on Moki's scumbag list, I don't know what would. I know a couple of us have sent warning messages to the owners of his last online bastions, International Cigar Club and Friends of Habanos.

I think we owe Wilkey at least this much, anyone who is a member at one of these other boards feel free to pm the administrators voicing your concern about his recent actions. Can you believe Wilkey's actually a moderator at FOH? It looks like he's still active over there, posting as if nothing unusual has happened.

The other forum owners will likely take the stance that what happens elsewhere doesn't affect them. Much the same stance we take with reps gained elsewhere. Of course, this is generally shortsightedness, not looking forward or around.

Membership in the cigar online community tends to overlap pretty well though. This will be known everywhere before long, and people will choose according to their own conscience.
I think he's getting off by us talking about him so much. I can see him in front of his computer, with a bottle of Jergens and some tissue.
I guess that answers the age old question of WWWD! We now know what wilkey would do, don't we? He has no sense of fairness and he has no integrity. He is spiteful, mean spirited and petulant. He doesn't like people who are smarter than he is, hence, his dislike of Brian (infinity). His opinion of himself was inflated well beyond reason. Try as he might he could never position himself to be admired the same way that many guys here are admired. He failed to recognize that the admiration we feel for some people here arises from the content of their character and not from the content they add to the forum. It is an ill concieved notion that if you don't talk about cigars then you don't add value here. The wilkeyites have abandoned thier messiah... well, except for dave. dave is still defending wilkey's actions and has even maligned this board on another forum for holding wilkey to the same standard as everyone else.

I'd like to apologize to everyone for dave's behavior. I'm sorry dave doesn't have the capacity to understand that the actions against wilkey, while abhorrent to some, were just and right. It was wilkey who took the low road. dave doesn't get it and I apologize on his behalf.

If this doesn't earn Wilkey an exalted perch on Moki's scumbag list, I don't know what would. I know a couple of us have sent warning messages to the owners of his last online bastions, International Cigar Club and Friends of Habanos.

I think we owe Wilkey at least this much, anyone who is a member at one of these other boards feel free to pm the administrators voicing your concern about his recent actions. Can you believe Wilkey's actually a moderator at FOH? It looks like he's still active over there, posting as if nothing unusual has happened.

Well I'll be darned, I never heard of that board! A recognized a few familiar faces like DocRKS :thumbs: & FatShotBud :thumbs: along with van55 :rolleyes:

Board Statistics
Board Stats Our members have made a total of 99,772 posts
We have 3,010 registered members
The newest member is CoventryCat86
Most users ever online was 577 on Dec 3 2008, 09:59 AM

It sucks that he deleted his content, I think it's the property of the forum because he gained as much from everyone here as we got from him. Between, passes, information, trades and whatnot. The arrogance of Wilkey is in thinking that he was doing everyone a favor with his posts, for nothing in return so when people were "ungrateful" he deleted the content.

Where did he get the idea that the community did nothing for him? That's the arrogance. He was self-consumed and it's a lesson to all of course, although so few here seem that way.

Modifying the forum software to stop deletion is not easy and tends to be a case of the cure being worse than the disease. Even if Rod couldn't restore all his content (seems like he's almost done with that) it will be replaced by better content from newer members over time.

Here's to the community, over the self-consumed individual.

No no no Dago, WE owe Wilkey...don'tcha see? We, as a community, owe Wilkey for all of his amazing and self-flattering egotistical speeches about cubans and humidity and wrappers and fillers and maxipads! Didn't you know?? Rod is in Wilkey's debt for allowing Wilkey to grace CP with his presence! Rod is probably still a few years in debt to Wilkey for loaning him all of that bandwidth!

Nevermind settling your debts or stiffing tenured members, it's Wilkey! If he shows up at your house, leave him free access to your home, food, and even your wife, because frankly...It's WILKEY! The Messiah of the Cigar World! :0

Disgusting behavior. :angry: Here's your ball, I'm glad you've gone home.

PS- Sam, you crack me up! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
If this doesn't earn Wilkey an exalted perch on Moki's scumbag list, I don't know what would. I know a couple of us have sent warning messages to the owners of his last online bastions, International Cigar Club and Friends of Habanos.

I think we owe Wilkey at least this much, anyone who is a member at one of these other boards feel free to pm the administrators voicing your concern about his recent actions. Can you believe Wilkey's actually a moderator at FOH? It looks like he's still active over there, posting as if nothing unusual has happened.

Is that recent? He's been absent from that board for some time. Before I realized what went down here, I was thinking it was odd that all of a sudden he was posting and sucking up to El Presidente.
Which FOH is it, search came up with the following acronyms:

FOH Front Of House
FOH Federal Occupational Health
FOH Front of House Engineer
FOH Fires of Heaven (Everquest Guild, Veeshan Server)
FOH Field Operations Handbook
FOH First-Order Hold
FOH Fist of Heavens (Diablo and Legion of Doom Expansion pack)
FOH Force of Habit (band)
FOH Friends of Hudson (conservation group)
FOH Fixed Overhead
FOH Functional Ovarian Hyperandrogenism
FOH Frames On Hand (S&S Furniture)
FOH Friend(s) of Hillary (Rodman Clinton)
FOH Factory Over Head

AND FOH Fredricks of Hollywood :(
Which FOH is it, search came up with the following acronyms:

FOH Front Of House
FOH Federal Occupational Health
FOH Front of House Engineer
FOH Fires of Heaven (Everquest Guild, Veeshan Server)
FOH Field Operations Handbook
FOH First-Order Hold
FOH Fist of Heavens (Diablo and Legion of Doom Expansion pack)
FOH Force of Habit (band)
FOH Friends of Hudson (conservation group)
FOH Fixed Overhead
FOH Functional Ovarian Hyperandrogenism
FOH Frames On Hand (S&S Furniture)
FOH Friend(s) of Hillary (Rodman Clinton)
FOH Factory Over Head

AND FOH Fredricks of Hollywood :(
LOL, getting closer!!
If this doesn't earn Wilkey an exalted perch on Moki's scumbag list, I don't know what would. I know a couple of us have sent warning messages to the owners of his last online bastions, International Cigar Club and Friends of Habanos.

I think we owe Wilkey at least this much, anyone who is a member at one of these other boards feel free to pm the administrators voicing your concern about his recent actions. Can you believe Wilkey's actually a moderator at FOH? It looks like he's still active over there, posting as if nothing unusual has happened.

Well I'll be darned, I never heard of that board! A recognized a few familiar faces like DocRKS :thumbs: & FatShotBud :thumbs: along with van55 :rolleyes:

Board Statistics
Board Stats Our members have made a total of 99,772 posts
We have 3,010 registered members
The newest member is CoventryCat86
Most users ever online was 577 on Dec 3 2008, 09:59 AM


Jeeze Bill, another board you'll get banned from without even posting an intro?
While I don't agree with Wilkey's style of departing, there's no need to bash other boards. It's unfortunate Wilkey decided to burn a bridge with this community, however that's his decision. Other boards will operate as they choose, and I fully respect that. Most of the content has been restored.

Please do not create any additional threads.

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