December Blizzard of 08'

You Gentlemen have absolutely no idea what is fixin to happen. You have 2 newb Generals and and new newb commander running around here. Yoou FOG'S keep running your mouths because with General Soulpuppy, General Northernmorris, and myself as the Commander-in- Chief, you boys are going to be so outnumbered that the only things the FOGS will be able to do is hide under the tables in the old folks home. Better drink your Gertitol boys because the shitstorm coming is going to be unlike anything you've ever experienced! :sign:

:whistling: LMFAO....
You Gentlemen have absolutely no idea what is fixin to happen. You have 2 newb Generals and and new newb commander running around here. Yoou FOG'S keep running your mouths because with General Soulpuppy, General Northernmorris, and myself as the Commander-in- Chief, you boys are going to be so outnumbered that the only things the FOGS will be able to do is hide under the tables in the old folks home. Better drink your Gertitol boys because the shitstorm coming is going to be unlike anything you've ever experienced! :sign:

Reporting for duty, sir, .... ummm, errr... sirs! :thumbs:
waiting on coordinates

edit: does my first hit count as friendly fire cuz i hit Jonsey, or is he just a trader? :sign:
The geese fly south at midnight!

No, wait, errrr . . . I love you Mr. Bond!

Anyhooo . . .

Locked and loaded. :whistling:

I am ready for my third round with you FOG's.

Such big talk, I am just :laugh: my way through my collections thinking about dishing out pain.
Well, below is a group of neighbors looking at what used to be the front of my home. That was a monmumental blast and I am assuming it comes from this blizzard thing. I can only say thanks for the hit and wow what a blast that was. Louis, thank you very much. I got home after a few days away and the guy nest door had picked it up and gave it to me, it was delivered just before X-mas. Wow!

Soulpuppy and northernmorris, I need a pm with names of all your men so I can start devising the plan. Any of you boys that were with me for the Newbie war of '07. pm me your interest also. I believe this has the potential to be the most devastating war of all times if we can get a FOG to step up and lead the old folks barrage! :sign:

Think anybody will be able to bring Preembargo out of retirement?
I need to re-load but I have the target and I'm getting the hang of how to use the search button so I may be a little more on target for the receiver this time, in addition to making it difficult to determine who sent it to you :whistling:

So when is this thing going to fire up?
Wounds my heart with a monotonous langour.
