LOL.. You guys are jumping the gun. You think we want him on our side?... Do we need the enemy on our side? Are we too weak? I think not...
Hey Soul puppy....looks like these guys just told you to "kennel up" :sign: :laugh:
It sounds like it!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
LOL.. You guys are jumping the gun. You think we want him on our side?... Do we need the enemy on our side? Are we too weak? I think not...
Hey Soul puppy....looks like these guys just told you to "kennel up" :sign: :laugh:
It sounds like it!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Are they REALLY pickin on the Soulpuppy? I just can't believe it. :sign:
Requirements: Must have been part of our Newbie Blizzard.
It's currently 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time.. I just opened up my first full box of WOAM. They smell great by the way..
First person to REPLY I'm a Blizzard Bastid wins a 3pack of WOAM plus some tag alongs...
The catch: Contest does not start till 9:45pm MY TIME.Any early posts are DQ'd :laugh: . I'm sorry to the first few who don't read this full post... Good luck guys...
I'm a Blizzard Bastid
Wait!!!!! That says 10:45. He's an hour late.I'm a Blizzard Bastid
We got a wiener...
Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet?
Young Caine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not?