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Debating investing in GOFBA

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Maintaining my composure, I want an answer from Jeff, please! He started this discussion and should answer.

Floyd T

Floyd - my post is directed towards the community in general. I have corrected my post to be more clear.
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I do want to say that I respect Bill and being an optimist hope for a positive outcome and great future for GOFBA.

I perfectly understand the high risk in investing in pre-ipo. Most of these never make it to market and all money is lost.

I do have to say that I did invest a large sum in GOFBA. My biggest issue, which I did bring up to Bill is not having the certificates delivered. He never ghosted me and gave an explanation. I still feel the certificates need to be mailed ASAP. In my case I need it for record keeping and accountability as per my accountant.

It is required to mail the certificates regardless of when then company goes live. As an example I made a huge investment in space X and got all the paperwork promptly.

I am writing this not to say anything wrong was done. Like I previously mentioned I am optimistic that Bill will do everything he has to. But since I consider us all here family we should be able to speak up and resolve all issues in good faith like any family.

Just general info: I know several VC managers working at different levels. Statistics for VC investments funds by professionals working with investments of less than $5m per investor have an average annual return of less than 8% or less than the market average. Only those that have on average more than $20M per investment get to beat the market averages. In both categories certain investments can go 2 maybe 3 or 4 times their initial investment while others loose full investment. So if you don’t invest in a fund but an individual company on any level be ready to loose your full invested amount.

In conclusion: Bill my sincere wishes of successful culmination of all your efforts and proving all naysayers wrong. No matter what I am still holding you to a huge party and best Cubans all around 😉
That's fair post Dan!
The point everyone seems to be missing though, is that this is no different than any other transaction that is conducted on CigarPass.

I don't gamble any money, or play the stock market with any money that I can't afford to lose. That's not my problem. And that's what everyone seems to be coming to the defense of Bill in this case, saying Cody and I are not being fair to him.

I've been here long enough to see these things go down, and there's always a team A and a team B. Sometimes it's unfair, but can't tell you how many times the guy that everyone feels is being unfairly attacked, turns out to be guilty of whatever he's accused of. I won't be wrong about the way he's handled communication. If I'm wrong about everything else then I will be truly apologetic.

Point is, your word is your bond. End of story! What transpired between Bill and I, is no different than any trade Purchase, Secret Santa, or Pass participation. When you tell me something, I expect you to follow through. Plain and simple! If circumstances change, then you have a responsibility to communicate. The other person that is waiting for you to hold your end of the deal, should not have to seek you out. Otherwise, The person who falls short, invites unfavorable scrutiny. That's the way it always goes down here, always has, and everybody knows this. This should not be a huge surprise to everyone here.

But, everyone that's on team Bill, or the tight knit VHERF crew, seems to want to make this about "They believe in GOFBA, I should know stocks can be risky, Bill would never screw over anyone, or Jeff and I setting him up." Again, I trusted him, he gave me his word, and he broke it. I definitely was given differing stories along the way, that I felt didn't add up. Now, that trust has been broken. I have a right to be skeptical about GOFBA and the way it's being run.
After much contemplation and soul searching, I admit that I could have been more proactive in my communication with John and Cory. I really had no idea that you both felt the way you do. I apologize for this oversight.

The obvious question is "Why"?

Why have you all of a sudden taken an interest in Gofba?

Why, after having knowledge of all the information John has accumulated about Gofba, for months if not years, would you want to touch it with a ten foot pole?

Knowing you've had the "backstory" info, why would you, with "no dog in the fight", be innocently asking about info so you could invest? Again, it has the appearance of a stinker, based on John's investigation.

I understand why many of these fellas are asking questions, as they had invested early on, and I have no issue with them wanting answers. Actually, I have no issue with discussing the entire investment/plan/time frame/etc for Gofba, so at least everyone is on the same page. Apparently only Rod "really" wanted answers though, because he actually called Bill to discuss. But you, I can't figure out why you have become interested all of a sudden.

I'm interested in your response, truly. My issue with this thread is the way in which it began. After reading your admonishments of Bill in regards to assumptions, I'll refrain from mine until I hear back.

Floyd T
Bump. Just in case @CigarStone missed it in the flurry of activity.

Floyd T
Bump. Just in case @CigarStone missed it in the flurry of activity.

Floyd T

Did you want an answer different from what he said in the very first post?

I’ve heard this discussed briefly on the Vherf and I’d like to get some input from others who have invested or thought about it. I hope I don’t jinx it because everything I’ve ever invested in has shit the bed, and I’m hoping a little due diligence will change that.

Any experience or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not understanding the questioning nor the pressure being placed upon Jeff.
I'm not understanding the questioning nor the pressure being placed upon Jeff.

The second question is clearly to get him to contradict what he's already said. It's like a poorly written bad cop scene.
This isn't about Jeff.
I think the concern being voiced is whether the OP was sincere. Was the talk around the vherf about how this might be a good opportunity (still), years later?

Is it as big of a deal as the other issue here? No. But it’s a valid question.
So let’s say Jeff made the OP as a straw man to open the door for John’s commentary. If he says that (rather than us just reading the thread and using our subjective think boxes to deduce on our own whether he was baiting), then what changes?
I think the concern being voiced is whether the OP was sincere. Was the talk around the vherf about how this might be a good opportunity (still), years later?

Is it as big of a deal as the other issue here? No. But it’s a valid question.
Bingo! If I wasn’t dealing with storm damage and a power outage, I’d give a better response. It’ll come tho. Enjoy the evening.

Floyd T

You don't want to trust Jeff because you think he wasn't sincere when he started this thread but you want to trust the guy who has been working nonstop for 16 years on some angelfire looking BS site running a Pixel 2 ad?


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You don't want to trust Jeff because you think he wasn't sincere when he started this thread but you want to trust the guy who has been working nonstop for 16 years on some angelfire looking BS site running a Pixel 2 ad?
I don’t recall weighing in on that at all. Where’d you get that?

You don't want to trust Jeff because you think he wasn't sincere when he started this thread but you want to trust the guy who has been working nonstop for 16 years on some angelfire looking BS site running a Pixel 2 ad?
In fact, didn’t I JUST say that was the bigger issue?
So let’s say Jeff made the OP as a straw man to open the door for John’s commentary. If he says that (rather than us just reading the thread and using our subjective think boxes to deduce on our own whether he was baiting), then what changes?

Absolutely nothing. Was there really any other intent? It was pretty evident once things got moving and replies were posted. I don't think we need an answer.

Trust, from what side? I mean, there are 2 sides here, correct? Not sure we'll ever get side 3, the real truth.


You don't want to trust Jeff because you think he wasn't sincere when he started this thread but you want to trust the guy who has been working nonstop for 16 years on some angelfire looking BS site running a Pixel 2 ad?

Gotta agree.
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